Well, there are some animals that only eat veggies and they survive pretty well.Survival of the fittest could also mean the one who runs faster. lol.
Our bodies were built so we can eat only veggies,, so why kill an innocent animal that won't eat you when you could give the animal a life to live?
Besides, in every piece of chicken there's a little bit of a poo, same goes for ground beef. Vegetarian is healthier (same with veganism)
I think it's great that you're a vegeterian. Do you only eat vegetables or you just don't eat meat?
I have thought about becoming one but every time I think "But animals eat each other." and"It the survival of the fittest." and, of course "I feel bad for the poor animals, but they taste soooo good." XP.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
i know its mean to eat to eat animal but maybe chicken once in a while

Otaku Legend | Posted 05/27/08 | Reply
RIGHT ON!!! Ima a vegitarian too and yes we should love animals not eat them!!*faves*
Pantless Ninja
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/24/08 | Reply
Well, there are some animals that only eat veggies and they survive pretty well.Survival of the fittest could also mean the one who runs faster. lol.
Our bodies were built so we can eat only veggies,, so why kill an innocent animal that won't eat you when you could give the animal a life to live?
Besides, in every piece of chicken there's a little bit of a poo, same goes for ground beef. Vegetarian is healthier (same with veganism)
Kawaii Socks
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/08 | Reply
I think it's great that you're a vegeterian. Do you only eat vegetables or you just don't eat meat?
I have thought about becoming one but every time I think "But animals eat each other." and"It the survival of the fittest." and, of course "I feel bad for the poor animals, but they taste soooo good." XP.
~See you ^^