To start things off. I do not support this couple, nor do I hate it. I just plain don't care who ends up with who. But I do know I can draw Sakura with out looking at her. And I also know that she gets paired up with Sasuke alot. Also I know I really like the line in the pic.
I did not look at Sasuke or Sakura when I drew this. I did use their colours to colour it however. And When I went to colour it, I noticed I forgot Sasuke's wrap thing and had to add it on the computer...Also, this was my first time drawing sasuke. Sorry they look a little weird, I did take my time, but not as much as I should have... This is my sorta chibi-chibi! Not a traditional chibi, because they aren't squished (except Sakura's head...)but it's kinda my own way of doing chibi...
Anyway, Happy valentines day everybody!