Now that is the question. How do you kill the man you love? Even if he has become something of an unnatural being. Rose surley has trouble with it in the beginning, however, toward the end of Blood Promise, she sure does let go of our dear and precious Dimka (Dimitri) who has been turned into a Strigoi.
Okay, I bawled my eyes out during the bridge scene and all fans of this series would understand what I mean -well, that's if your are a total emotional nut case with this stuff-. To be honest, I cried through the entire book! Oh, how do I miss our Dimitri! We ♥ you! Or atleast I do!
Anyway, we all know that Dimitri really isn't dead at the end of Blood Promise and now Rose must go and destroy him once and for all. After all, that's what he told Rose he wanted if he ever turned Strigoi. But I wonder if she will be able to do it. Or will she give into Dimitri and be with him forever? That's if that choice is still available. Anywho, I can't wait for Spirit Bound to be released soon! *WOOT* Yay, Vampire Academy goes on! Go kick some major ass, Rose!