I know it's a day early, but whatever. The whole month of February is Valentine's Day to me. :3 A day for love and happiness to share with your loved ones, can't get much better than that. And remember, you do not have to have a special other in your life to celebrate this holiday, friends and family are people you share your love with so make sure to share your love. :) *hugs*
I found this adorable artwork on Pixiv, but I do not remember the artist^^; So all rights go to them for the art, but I did make the card. X3 As for the textures, if you want to know, just let me know and I can tell you. :) Too lazy to write them all out. XD They're all on Deviant though. ^_^
Thank you to all my friends on here who share their love with me! ^_^ I wish you all the best. Have a great Valentine's Day and may love fill each and every day of your life. *hugs*
Thanks for commenting, hugging, viewing, etc. :)