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Watch Angel Beats! Opening

Just got done watching Angel Beats! yesterday and wow, just wow. One of the most inspiring, sad, and beautiful animes I have ever seen. Out of all the Key works, this one takes the cake. The characters are so real and their feelings just hits you right in the heart. The anime also teaches some great lessons about life, about that life is a gift and to not have regrets. The three in this picture are actually probably my favorite characters. Yuri, Yuzuru, and Naoi. Their past stories were the most heart-wrenching to me. Just really great characters and story. I just wish it was longer. Too bad. So yes, I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend this to everyone. Seriously, go watch it. :)

This card drove me crazy in the beginning. XD I was insipred to make an Angel Beats card, so I went searching for images on pixiv. It kind of makes me mad because this show has a lot of touching moments but instead people want to draw all happy-looking pictures and everything. Which is of course fine, but come on, more pictures with more emotion! XD But I stumbled across this beautiful image on Eshuushuu, which can be found here. I added only four textures, and had about 6 layers. Then added the brushes in the background, the swirls and text brushes. Then added the text, which was a pain, and yep it's done^^ I ended up liking it much more than from the beginning! XD

This is dedicated to Sayura, aragorn1014. I know you have been feeling a bit down and stressed lately sweetie. I really hope you're doing better now. You're such a great and beautiful person, so keep doing your best. :) *hugs*

Take care everyone~ Thank you!

- Angel Beats! (c) Jun Maeda/Key Animation
- Artist (c) Kurusu on pixiv
- Textures (c) JRMB_Stock, KeyMoon, JusticeStock, and arghus on deviantart
- Brushes (c) respective owners

Angel Beats! eCards
angel, angel beats!, boy, cryptic, girl, hurt, inspirational, key, naoi, sad, understanding, yuri, yuzuru
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