Card Text: Arrogance: a downfall of humanity
Alright Bleach Crew! Here it is!! The start of the Bleach TAG! 8D
I know it took me awhile, and let me clarify. The subject of this tag is, BLEACH EMOTIONS. It does NOT have to go in ABC order, it's just a freak coincidence that I wanted to choose Arrogance, believe me. XD If you've forgotten what you have to do when you are tagged, go ahead and PM me, or refer to the Suggestion Box again for more explanation. :)
I'm tagging you Gin!(it's also an accident that I chose your boss as the subject >.<;) Pick a good emotion and let's get this going~
Card info: I put a little more work into this for's like a mini-wall. lol Hopefully it has 'impact'. :3
Texture from Deviantart
Scan from Kitabug69 I believe (Arigatou!)