i loved this video http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/animefunthings (third video)
For those who don't know ezio (in the white hood) he's a bit of a womaniser! lol thats why he doesn't understand leo. also this is the exact conversation they had.
upon research i have found that the real life leo was indeed gay! which is so cool as you don't learn about this kinda thing in school. also in a time where "working girls" were everywhere, its a good thing as he would have been distracted from his work! LOL XD. this is just for fun so enjoy and please don't take it the wrong way
Also babyD sent me this funny http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/362/4/e/leoezio_converse___spoiler_by_doubleleaf-d35u8sn.jpglink: