As soon as I saw this challenge, I knew I had to enter... So here's my first entry, I hope to make more!^^
The lyrics are from one of my favourite songs from the new WT album (The Unforgiving), it's called 'Shot in the Dark'. And these are my favourite lines from the song:3
I found an image which in my mind fit perfectly^-^ I just made the colours (just black and red really) a bit more intense and added some clouds and only a few blood splatters (I really hope it's not too much...D:) So this time it's ONLY brushes!:D No textures^^ I'm extremely happy with how this came out:D
Feedback is always very much appreciated!^^ <3
Time taken: 30-45 minutes
Done in: PS 6 with tablet
Original image from minitokyo
Splatter brushes by corelila on dA
Cloud brushes by greenaleydis-stock on dA
Dedicated to: HelloKatty, for hosting the challenge:D