This is a card I made for twilight samurai as a kind of prize - I posted a poem on MikuBerry's 'Glorious Gothic' world and asked people if they could guess the irony in it^^ So far, no-one has guessed correctly, but twilight samurai got close^^ (For those who are interested, I will put the answer in that post eventuallyXD)
I hope this meets your request of a serene card!:3 I went with a summer theme, obviously^^ Enhanced the colours of the scan a little, then added a texture to make it even more sunny-looking:)
Feedback is VERY much appreciated, as always!^^ <333
Time taken: about 1 hour
Done in: PS 6 with tablet
Scan from minitokyo
Texture by gild-a-stock on dA
Dedicated to: twilight samurai^^