Morbid Dollie

Title Strawberry (Otaku Eternal)
Birthday 02/13/94
Member Since 11/07/08
Guestbook 1,325 signatures
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Gifts Blue Latte: Happy Halloweeeennn!! <3 ElementalNinja: Thank You For Everything <3 JanetChan: Hope you have a beautiful day todaay! <3 XkeyofdestinyX: A cupid's arrow to give to Joel >D Moka: I got you a cookie, but I eated some... XxArrancarFanxX: Thanks for the card! :) Rainbow Dragon: Thank u epic Thiefy~I loves chu *huggles ItachiSasuke: Wishing you peace, joy & <3 this Easter Moka: I geev yous a strawberry ~� : Happy Belated Birthday! :) vampirehitsugaya: Happy Birthday!!! (=^.^=) LightFykki: Happy Valentine's day Cloud-chan! ^__^ 21Emmz12: Happy Valentine's Day!! :D Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's Day! <3 U ;) DistantStar: Also, HAPPY V-TINE'S DAY!!! LOVE U X) DistantStar: HOPE IT WAS STUNNING AS YOU :) DistantStar: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE <333 AmberTears: Happy Valentine's Day! SaxGirl: Happy birthdaaaaay!^____^ *hugs* Miracle Star19: HAPPEH BIRTHDAY!!!! X MAGE X: Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one! :D Allie Elric: Happy birthday! 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! =^D envythejealous: Happy birthday to an amazing person :) TwinkLes: Have a lovely birthday <3 ItachiSasuke: Happy Birthday Miku! Have a blast! =D fuko chan: Happy birthday!!! LightFykki: Happy birthday~! ^__^ hackerblackrose: Happy Birthday � Sarasface: Happy birthday! :) foxfireburn: Hey there! Happy Birthday! =D ElementalNinja: Happy Birthday!~ <3 : Happy Birthday! Have a Great one! ^^ metalb2: Happy Birthday XD Rainbow Dragon: Happy b-day thiefy!Judai <3s u Hyper Vampp Boi: HAPPEH BIRFDAYYY .O. Katherine Talbot: Happy B-Day Darling! AmberTears: Happy bday, Cloud-chan! ^^ Kaagemusha: Happy Birthday! sweetdevil: Happy birthday! :D *hugs* Kaerlyn: Cookie for you :3 Hyper Vampp Boi: Merry Christmas! ^^ kahoko66: Merry Christmas! Blue Latte: Merry Christmas <3 Angel Zakuro: Merry Christmas! :) ElementalNinja: Merry Christmas! <3 ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas! Best wishes to you~! :D ItachiSasuke: m ItachiSasuke: m DistantStar: Merry early X-mas!! :) Party lots<333 Rainbow Dragon: Strawberry 4 u cuz ur sweet<3!~ Judai Rainbow Dragon: Ramen 4 u from Judai.Happy Turkey Day~ JanetChan: Did I ever mention my love to you? <3333 beloved blood: Happy Halloween to you too :3 MangaKid: Thx 4 letting us use ur Christmas card:) Felcie: Happy Halloween~!! LightFykki: Thanks, a happy Halloween to you too! :) Aria Sky: Happy Halloween to you too! :D Amestar: Happy Halloween :D Blue Latte: Happy Halloween! Hyper Vampp Boi: HAPPY HALLOWEEN : Happy Halloween!~ >=3 ItachiSasuke: Hope you have a ~Happy Halloween~! >3 Kailith: Happy Halloween! Rainbow Dragon: Pumpkin from Judai. Love u Thiefy<3 Moka: I stole your dog ;) phoenix509: Thank you!! Rainbow Dragon: Thank u my dear friend. Judai's sorry :( BubbleTea7: Thank you so much! :D Moka: i found my fruitbowl. :D stars go bye: Thanks so much!! ^_^ Hyper Vampp Boi: I hope you feel better nezumi kurosaki: Thank you ^w^ mangalover567: thanks phoenix509: :D Mazoku Knight: THANK YOU<3 Promotion is grrrreeeeat. Rainbow Dragon: I love you 2 Thief King<3 : Thank you so much! :) teapartyprincess: thank you ^^ nightmaya: Thank you for the gift!!! vampirehitsugaya: Thanks! Rainbow Dragon: Thank u for being an EPIC friend.I <3 u! Rainbow Dragon: I'll never 4get u Thief King<3~Judai Rainbow Dragon: Strawberry for being a sweet friend<3 Rainbow Dragon: ~Strawberry for Cloud from Judai<3 Hyper Vampp Boi: That's all, lolzz XD Hyper Vampp Boi: And have a bright future~ X3 Hyper Vampp Boi: You'll have all the luck in the world ^^ Hyper Vampp Boi: Don't mind the hurts, they'll go away Hyper Vampp Boi: Your life will be full of love~ <3 Hyper Vampp Boi: Or pop a pill. I won't judge. =P Hyper Vampp Boi: And use HEALING potions when you need to Hyper Vampp Boi: And fight MONSTERS in battles Hyper Vampp Boi: Now you can make your own wooden house Hyper Vampp Boi: *___* Lion Tamer. Hyper Vampp Boi: Meoww... TIRED OF MY SPAM YET?! XD Hyper Vampp Boi: Wooffff Hyper Vampp Boi: I LYK PANDUZ Hyper Vampp Boi: My little sis has a piggy plushie <3 Hyper Vampp Boi: I'm OK with the eggs =D Hyper Vampp Boi: Easter bunnies taste fake.. >__>' Hyper Vampp Boi: Rubber ducky, where art thou~? Q__Q Hyper Vampp Boi: Rose for a rose? XD -Shot- Hyper Vampp Boi: I should learn Archery.. *__* Heh. Hyper Vampp Boi: I'm a pumpkin, Ooh, I'm a pumpkin Hyper Vampp Boi: YOU FORGOT TO SWEEP THE FLOOR AGAIN Hyper Vampp Boi: Magic is nice XD Hyper Vampp Boi: Unless you get artist's block Hyper Vampp Boi: With THIS paintbrush! Hyper Vampp Boi: Or paint a picture~ =D Hyper Vampp Boi: In this notebook! Hyper Vampp Boi: Draw for me~ Hyper Vampp Boi: Om nom, ALL the sushiiiii Hyper Vampp Boi: Strawberries are good with sugar Hyper Vampp Boi: I like making rainbow cupcakes 8D Hyper Vampp Boi: BANANA. Hyper Vampp Boi: I like Cherries Hyper Vampp Boi: Sadface T^T Hyper Vampp Boi: Still Here~ -Ninja- Hyper Vampp Boi: Peek-a-boo Hyper Vampp Boi: WHAT'S NEW?? Hyper Vampp Boi: I'm Bored Hyper Vampp Boi: What's up ^^ Hyper Vampp Boi: Haven't heard from you in a while!! Hyper Vampp Boi: I'm Spamming you. XD Hyper Vampp Boi: How are you? Hyper Vampp Boi: Hey Rainbow Dragon: Gifty for being an AMazing Friend<3 Rainbow Dragon: Strawberry for u for being so nice<3 ItachiSasuke: For your kind words ^__^ XkeyofdestinyX: Go to school, Mr.~ XkeyofdestinyX: eleven XkeyofdestinyX: KEVIn >D XkeyofdestinyX: Just a little? XkeyofdestinyX: I've been wanting this for yeaaars XkeyofdestinyX: It's Mahad >///< XkeyofdestinyX: >D Finally, you'll be Sora ElementalNinja: You're special to me~ <3 Love you! Spectre: a small gesture to brighten your day ^_^ ElementalNinja: I Loves You More~ <3 Hyper Vampp Boi: TEH FRUITZZZ =D Rainbow Dragon: Strawberry 4 u for being awesome! Hulaberry32: No marshmallows so have this instead! X3 Aria Sky: Thankies! ^^ Love ya too~ *hug* Blue Latte: You don't know how much I <3 U XD Ritona: Miss you ~ ItachiSasuke: Random gift~ Because you're amazing! :D : Keep this strawberry for yourself :) : Be happy sweetie <33. Mint Dash: thank you! :D *hugs ^^ natisaku: Thanks! ^-^ hackerblackrose: thank you � : Aww thank you. =) *hugs* : Thank you soooo much! 8DD josephine12cute: thanks :) hope you're doing well too! XkeyofdestinyX: thanks~` : Dont let anyone say you arn't wonderful� : one last thing, enjoy the spam x3 : I just love you <333 : There's no cupcake sweeter than you <3 : I'd cut up whomever did you wrong. <33 : You're such a dear > w < : Thank you for the support. <3 XkeyofdestinyX: Thanks, Zack. DistantStar: Because you've caught my <333333 ElementalNinja: *hugs* To a great new found friendship! ElementalNinja: I admire your strength. Stay strong! XkeyofdestinyX: It's Zack. : You're the sweetness itself <3. beloved blood: Woooo! Zack Power!!! XD Rainbow Dragon: Thanks for being a good friend*hugs* Blue Latte: You too. You're so special ;) : I love you even more dear <333. HelloKatty: Because I love you LOTS. <3 XkeyofdestinyX: thanks, Zack HelloKatty: Yes you can call me Chi-chan. x3 HelloKatty: I effin' LOVE YOU TOO! : A Strawberry loves Strawberry :3 Rainbow Dragon: For being awesome! Strawberry!*hugs* littlemissharriet: i know its late but happy easter! beloved blood: Happy *awesome* Easter to you too!! : Happy easter to you too! ^^ Kailith: Happy Easter too! Amestar: Happy Easter!!! JanetChan: You To Momee!! <333 Katherine Talbot: Happy Easter! Natsakura: Happy Easter! (PT_BR:Feliz Páscoa!) : Happy Easter to you too. =) AmberTears: Happy Easter!!! Rainbow Dragon: Thanks 4 gift. Strawberry 4 u DistantStar: Thank you dear! Happy Easter to you too! Felcie: Happy Easter !! x) animegirl171: Happy Easter ! :) KyanChan: Happy Easter!!! LGA775: Happy easter 2 U 2 thank you^^ Hugs : Happy Easter!! =3 Enjoy yourself! :D fma17: Happy Easter! :) Dark Flame 3479: Happy Easter! ( �^�^)�� Blue Latte: Happy Easter! rosel D: Happy Easter :D : Thank you, have a nice Easter weekend ^^ XkeyofdestinyX: Hey Hey Sora! Lots if Easter love ItachiSasuke: Happy Easter My Friend~<3   <(^__^)> Kami-chan.x3: HI THEH~ :D *randomly hugs* HelloKatty: Can't wait to see you this summer! LGA775: This is ur piggy.His gonna b fine i know Hyper Vampp Boi: Thanks!! =] LGA775: Another panda for ur collection..Lol^^ Hyper Vampp Boi: Happy Leprechaun Day!! Chaos Jonny: Go Strife Happy B-Day ^-^ XkeyofdestinyX: roxas loves you DistantStar: Happy Valentine Day Too <333 beloved blood: Happy Valentine's Day, Cloud!! Dark Flame 3479: Happy Valentine's Day~ :D Angel Zakuro: Happy V-day! :) JanetChan: Cuz i love you...and the panda. *shot* JanetChan: Waha, you already told me lol. :) SaxGirl: Happy Valentine's Day!:) ItachiSasuke: Happy Valentine's Cloud-chan~<3 ^__^ envythejealous: Happy Valentine's Day back at ya! BabyD: Happy Valentines Day!! X3 JanetChan: I wonder who my Dadee #2 is though?! JanetChan: and HAPPY LOVE DAY!!! JanetChan: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! JanetChan: I LOVE YOU SHOO MUCH!!!! JanetChan: You JanetChan: Get JanetChan: Could JanetChan: I JanetChan: All JanetChan: Is JanetChan: This JanetChan: That JanetChan: Sorry JanetChan: Im JanetChan: Momee #2!!! JanetChan: Birthday JanetChan: Happy fma17: Happy Valentine's day :) Hanako Sho: Happy Valentine's to you <3 HelloKatty: Happy Chocolate Hearts Day Leiya~ ElementalNinja: Happy Valentine's Day! <3 ElementalNinja: Happy Belated Birthday Leia! :D Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's day Butterflykiss: Happy Valentine's day  Axel! Kailith: Happy birthday! Hope it's awesome :) : *Happy Birthday! ^^ Haha : Hapoy Birthday! ^^ Auraelys: Happy belated birthday! ^^ kilalalover: Happy Birthday!!!!!!! >w< TwinkLes: Happy Birthday hun <33 X MAGE X: Happy BirthdaY blue dragon123: Happy Birthday! : I hope ya build a beautiful haus w/disXD Hanaro Souhi: Happy Birthday!~ XD *hugs* : Have a happy b-day. :) Kaagemusha: Happy Birthday!! Miku-chan! XD vampirehitsugaya: Happy Birthday!!! ^.^ Amestar: OMFG Happy Birthday Cloud |D soldierofthedark: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope it's awesome :D! : Happy Birthday :3 Hulaberry32: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ <3 Crimson Buu: Happy birthday ^^ EcardBeast12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ( UR # 1 FAN ,) fma17: You are now of legal age XD Happy 18th! fma17: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope it is great <3 Miracle Star19: HAPPEH BIRTHDAY!!! Bleachic: Happy Birthday! ;^o^/; SaxGirl: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLOUD-CHAN!:D *hugs* Allie Elric: happy birthday! =] DistantStar: HAPPY BDAY MIKUUUU <333333333 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! =^D ItachiSasuke: Happy birthday! Hope it's a good one :D HelloKatty: Happy 18th Birthday Leiya! Love you! Ritona: Happy birthday, Miku! You're an adult! : Happy Birthday :D AmberTears: Happy Birthday, imouto-chan! :) Hanako Sho: Happy Birthday!!! >w< Kya!~~~~ Dark Flame 3479: Happy Birthday~ :D Angel Zakuro: Happy birthday! :) rosel D: Happy Birthday~! Best Wishes! TomaKuchiki: Birthday ramen is better than cake!!XD kamichama karin s: (=^._.^=) happy birthday!! Natsakura: Happy Birthday !!! *-* twilight samurai: Happy 18th Bday! <3 Aria Sky: Happy Birthday!! :D Butterflykiss: Happy birthday!!! i love you~~ kawaiiMisuzu: Happy birthday ^-^ heres a cookie Bambina00: Happy Birthday!!! :D SaiKat: Happy Birthday! <3 alexea arescia: Happy Birthday Miku!!! Blue Latte: Happy Birthdaaaay!! X3 Arctic Summer: Happy Birthday!!!! KyanChan: Happy Birthday Cloud!!! LightFykki: Happy birthday!!! Have a great one! ^__^ Kaerlyn: Mystery box of birthday smiles <3 envythejealous: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : happy birthday! have lots of fun! :D superstarpanou: Have a happy birthday today! ENJOY~! :D Support KIRA: Happy Birthday~ I hope it's wonderful ^^ BabyD: Happy Birthday!!! ^__^ ReiKiba: Happy birthday! :D May ur wish come true Immortal Queen: Happy Birthday deary!!!! Cooki Monstress: Happy Bday!! :D <3 EcardBeast12: A BIG FAN ! : Thanks for the sub :D yuko9kost: thanks for subbing^__^ ItachiSasuke: Just because you're amazingly awsome~ Vivianlove: Happy New Year!!! DistantStar: Happy New Years, good luck in 2012! Karisan: Wish U a very Happy New Year Miku-chan!! Blue Latte: Merry Christmas!! :D Amestar: Merry Christmas :D beloved blood: Merry Xmas, Cloud<3~XD fma17: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :) LightFykki: Thanks, Merry Christmas to you too!^^ : Merry Decorated Dead Tree Day! :D : Happy Holidays~! :D Dark Flame 3479: Merry Christmas! envythejealous: Merry Christmas!!!! ^_^ Butterflykiss: Merry Christmas sis! : Merry Christmas! ^_^ sweetdevil: Happy holidays, Miku! :D Ritona: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! AlexaClyne: Merry Christmas! <3 ReiKiba: Strawberry delivery, for you! XD Angel Satina: Merry Christmas dear friend!! ^_^"hugs" fuko chan: hi thanks for subscribing ; ) DistantStar: for being such a sweet sibbling :) <3333 DistantStar: sent some gifts to you sis, hope she Sarasface: Happy Thanksgiving! : Happy Gobble Monster~ neko Misty kitten: congrats on your promotion!! :) ItachiSasuke: CONGRATS ON THE PROMOTION! ^_^ kita mikichi: Congrats on Your Promotion!! *^^* Ichigo69071: Thanks for the subscribe AmberTears: Happy Halloween! Kaerlyn: fantastical hat! :D Butterflykiss: happy halloween sis! : Happy Halloween Miku-chan ~<3 Ritona: Happy Halloween, Miku! : Hope you're feeling alright! : Thx for the sub! =D : Thx for the sub! Me luv your art! : Just thinkin about you again. ^_^ Dark Flame 3479: I herd u liek strawberries~<3 ItachiSasuke: ~You're lovely just the way you are ^_^ Vivianlove: Love for October <3 : Cause I thinkin about U XD afikri10: here's a starwberry!Friends? XkeyofdestinyX: Derrik XkeyofdestinyX: trouble-maiking XkeyofdestinyX: red-headed XkeyofdestinyX: little XkeyofdestinyX: my XkeyofdestinyX: now XkeyofdestinyX: you're XkeyofdestinyX: addiction XkeyofdestinyX: sims 2 XkeyofdestinyX: for XkeyofdestinyX: yay Kami-chan.x3: RAMEN DAY! ~ *throws noodles in the air* azraelvega66: Thanks for the sub ^^ Ja ne segunda etapa: A berry for subscribing~! segunda etapa: Thank you for the sub! Sarasface: Random gift time! Enjoy! Sarasface: Thanks for the card tips! noirassasin: This is a belated thanx for the gift. =3 SaxGirl: Thanks for entering my challenge!^^ dfdfdfdf: this is for u a strawberry plus a "hug" superstarpanou: Ur GB is packed!! So I send u gifts~ ^^' superstarpanou: I noticed I hvn't subd 2 u~ There goes~! karasama: love your wallpapers~ : Smile, okay? ;) ladylita: thanks for subscribing! karasama: hi ^^ Vivianlove: Good luck ^^ : You don't have enough! Thanks 4 the fav. Vivianlove: Have a nice day!! envythejealous: U R welcome & thank you 4 the flower! envythejealous: Random gift for an awesome friend!!! :D fantasyvocaloid: Thank 4 every advice.. senpai! HelloKatty: You're my one true friend. Thank you. <3 HelloKatty: You're my one true friend. Thank you. <3 ElementalNinja: Here's For Your Collection! :3 TheDarkAngel: Thanks for the sub~! Let's be friends~! MaCheriexx: Thanks for subscribing! HelloKatty: I'm glad you understand. ;w; HelloKatty: You didn't upset me. I'm sorry. ;-; AmberTears: I will always love you! :) ilovetamaki: strawwwberry. : *smiles* I love you too :) mewnicole: Hello Miku Chan Nya Vivianlove: Here is ur berry ;) Vivianlove: Thank you soo much *muuuaaahhh* <3 Vivianlove: More energy to you :D Vivianlove: Yum Yum, hugs hugs X MAGE X: Thanks for the sub^_^ : never cease in believing in yourself : u r SPECIAL & i know that u're gud Mitsune Amai: Thank you so much MikuBerry-san : Thank you for featuring me! ^.^ HelloKatty: Even If I Can't Win, I STILL LOVE YOOH! HelloKatty: Win LOVE WAR! >3< HelloKatty: I love you lots even though I will never HelloKatty: I LOVE YOU MOST! HelloKatty: I Love You Berry Berry Much! LightFykki: Aaaand because of that awesome card. :) LightFykki: Just because you like strawberry. xD XkeyofdestinyX: ~peep~ ~peep~ ~peep~ ~peep~ ~peep~ DistantStar: And for all your help and advice :) DistantStar: Thank you for being a super sweet friend ForgottenAngel1: Welcome =^.^= ForgottenAngel1: Just thought you would like a panda bear XkeyofdestinyX: enjoy~ AmberTears: Thinking of you, sweetie! : I loves you~ :D : You're sweeter than this, right? ^^ : thanks for being my friend *^-^* <3 HelloKatty: You Are My True Guardian Angel. SolemnSerpent: You're welcome. <33 XkeyofdestinyX: Links 2 3 4 XkeyofdestinyX: Links 2 3 4 XkeyofdestinyX: Links 2 3 4 XkeyofdestinyX: i think i did the proper amount >.> XkeyofdestinyX: 4 XkeyofdestinyX: 3 XkeyofdestinyX: 2 XkeyofdestinyX: links XkeyofdestinyX: 4 XkeyofdestinyX: 3 XkeyofdestinyX: 2 XkeyofdestinyX: Links XkeyofdestinyX: 4 XkeyofdestinyX: 3 XkeyofdestinyX: 2 XkeyofdestinyX: Links XkeyofdestinyX: 4 XkeyofdestinyX: 3 XkeyofdestinyX: 2 XkeyofdestinyX: Links : ^-^* love heart more for the collectioin : thanks for everything! : i love strawberries too!  ^-^* beloved blood: Happy Easter to you too, man!!!!<3<3<3 yuuki fiedell: yay~More Stawberry~~ ^____^ : Small acts of kindness are loved :3 animegirl171: One more for your collection X3 LightFykki: Of course I would! :D And no worries. xD SaxGirl: I hope you don't mind the gift spam:3 SaxGirl: So I'll go with strawberries!xD SaxGirl: Too bad I can't send hearts though... SaxGirl: And of course I care!:3 SaxGirl: Thanks for your giftie!<3 : lol XD here's another strawberry~ Sarasface: Thanks...of course I care! mewnicole: MewMew Quiz Sarasface: Thanks so much for the card! I love it! XnomdeplumeX: Thanks a lot for subscribing! :DD Butterflykiss: Love you sis *huggles* Amestar: I didn't think you had enough of them :D mewnicole: Won A Easter Quiz : Have a Strawberry TamaDoodles24: tank ya so much! happi b-lated easter!X3 ShiningHime: Thanks for subb! And Heres A BERRYYY. ShiningHime: Your welcome my dearrr~ :3 JanetChan: Dont cry! I dont care if its years late JanetChan: Awes,thank you! And you changed ur name! ecnelisterger: It's gonna rain, but it's a hot day...D: ecnelisterger: good thing I'm using laptop ecnelisterger: And there's no electricity... ecnelisterger: It's gonna be a cold day~ ecnelisterger: Oh, look, it's going to rain... ecnelisterger: =//= Sorry...didn't meant to... ecnelisterger: 0//0 Did I sounds as if I'm flirting?? ecnelisterger: *shocked* Flirting?? ecnelisterger: Send my regards to Epic-chan! :O ecnelisterger: xD ecnelisterger: repay your heart gifts. ^ ^ ecnelisterger: Too bad I don't have heart gifts... ecnelisterger: It is your favourite fruit~ ^^ ecnelisterger: I hope so, after all.... ecnelisterger: Wait, will strawberry helps?? ecnelisterger: To get your creative juice flowing.. ecnelisterger: Now have some Strawberries... ecnelisterger: My portfolio looks GIGANTIC~ xD ecnelisterger: Eh! I mean, Giftssss~~~~ ecnelisterger: Thanks for all the gift~ ecnelisterger: xD Sorry, typo~ ecnelisterger: ...keeps the 'Hollow' away... ecnelisterger: What I meant to say is... ecnelisterger: whoops! ecnelisterger: ...keeps the 'Hollow' a day... ecnelisterger: An 'Ichigo' a day.... ecnelisterger: A good friend of mine always says... ecnelisterger: ^w^ AmberTears: Happy Easter! Sunshine 60: Happy Easter to you~! mewberry13: Happy Easter ^^ mewberry13: Ty 4 the gift. Happy Easter 2 u 2 Murder Princess: happy easter :D : THANK YOU! icebox270534: Happy Easter! <3 Viollet: Happy Easter!! scoodi: Happy Easter, Cloud~ Amestar: Happy Easter!! greenLeAfe: HAPPY EASTER pau7: THANK YOU! xD and YOU TOO!! Katherine Talbot: Happy Easter! Ichigo Orenji: Thank you so much *A* You're a sweet Hanaro Souhi: Many Chocolate for you! XD Hanaro Souhi: Happy Easter! > 3 < Thanks for gift!~ : Happy Easter! ^^ Sarasface: Happy Easter!!! marcinha: Happy Easter to you too^_^ Yammi chan: Happy Easter =^___~= xNotUnderstood: you say you want a it is HelloKatty: Happy Easter! HelloKatty: Cuteness to nom on! Kyubi Elric: Happy Easter :) kikkima: Happy Easter :D Artgrrl: HAPPY EASTER! PandaMoon: Happy Easter xD hackerblackrose: Happy Easter!! Hevn: Happy Easter to you! :) Rainbow Dragon: Here's a bunny for u! : Happy Easter Berry-chan! Star Crossed: Happy Easter~! :D LoveKouichi: Marshmallow peeps anyone? :P ChibiSasuke: Happy Easter! C: NeKo MoonShine: Happy Easter!owo another strawberry 4 u. : Happeh Easterererer~ IChiTa: Happy Easter~ SaiKat: Happy Easter :3 Karorin: Happy Easter ;) : happy easter!!! :3 inufluffy12: buuuuuunnnyyyy... Happy easter! ashio: Happy Easter!! SaxGirl: And thanks for the gifts!n.n SaxGirl: Happy Easter!^__^ *hugs* : happy easter!!! :3 Felcie: Enjoy the chocolate too~~ !! Felcie: Happy Easter !! x) ecnelisterger: Thank you for everything. :) trailmixy: Happy Awesome Egg Laying Bunneh Day XD sasusaku 4ever: Happy Easter. Have a great day. ^^ mewnicole: Happy Easter rosel D: Happy Easter! :D Timcanpy14: Happy Easter~ fma17: Happy Easter! Kailith: Happy Easter to you too! X3 SolemnSerpent: Thanks for the gift, here's a duckie! <3 ecnelisterger: I'll be okay. ^_^ Angel Zakuro: Happy Easter. :) ecnelisterger: And also, Bleachic: HAPPY EASTER <3333 ecnelisterger: For me you look just perfect. :O reichiinya: Happy Easter to you too! ecnelisterger: ...of you trying to lose some weight. D: Butterflykiss: Have a chocolate Bunny~ Happy Easter ecnelisterger: Thou I'm against the idea... Ritona: Happy Easter, Cloud! ecnelisterger: And don't overdo your exercise! envythejealous: Thank you for the cute gifts!! ecnelisterger: Take care of yourself, clumsy cutie. xD ecnelisterger: Don't worry about me. ^^ ReiKiba: Choco!!! xD ecnelisterger: Smile always~ ReiKiba: Happy Easter! :D TwinkLes: Enjoy the peep XD ecnelisterger: xD Three Berry-Berry~ ecnelisterger: Two strawberries... ecnelisterger: A strawberry~ ecnelisterger: Sorry for not spamming you earlier~(lol) Zennyxchan: happy easter to you too! :D Blue Latte: Happy Easter!! Blue Latte: These new gifts are cute <3 Miracle Star19: HAPPEH EASTER!!! :3 ecnelisterger: But I have strawberry for Berry-Berry~ ecnelisterger: I don't have the 'love' gifts.... ecnelisterger: Let me spam you with Strawberries. ^^ ecnelisterger: Hope you had a great day ahead of you. ecnelisterger: Thank you for all the gifts~ ecnelisterger: Happy Easter~ Kiiika: happy easter! *-* Carina1301: happy easter NejixWrathLover: This is kind of late, but thanks! :) Mint Dash: Thank You.. ^^ Tee Hee Akamero: Thanks! natisaku: Thanx 4 the gift & have a strawberry! :D VivaLaParadise: thx so much for the congrats :) apple pai: U lyk strawberry alot!!!dont u??^_^ : tnx for the gift!!! :D - ichi Blue Latte: you started XP you're way cuter!! Sara Jones: Thank you so much. :D Blue Latte: not sweeter than you :P omnia1: Thanku sweetie, It means alot x x x <3 fukachan: thank you so much! :) : Thank you for all the gifties. c: : And I poke you pack with pocky! : To brick everything UlquiHime! C< : ilu, UlquiChan. C: : HAVE A MILLION KIDS!!! : And then 20 More :3 : First 1, then 2 : ~Berry � E-chan~ : First comes love then comes MARRIAGE : k-i-s-s-i-n-g XD : Berry and e-chan sitting in a tree : Keep up the great work! : I love y'our walls and cards! winterlionheart: I'm going to get you envythejealous: Thanks for being a great friend!!!! Star Crossed: Thanks for the sub! ^.< Immortal Queen: Happy Easter!!!!! RedPandaAlchemist: thanx 4 da gift!(strwbrry cupcake!! : Thank you so much! : Thank you so much! gaaraskittygirl: Thank you! :) superstarpanou: Thanks for the sub~ A cookie for you~~! kisskiss-bangbang: Mmmmmm- drugs :3 Butterflykiss: Nope :P LightFykki: Almost no one sends books or pencils. xD LightFykki: How nice!! :) Here is a book for you. xD LightFykki: This one was easier for me to find. xD LightFykki: Thanks for that gift! :D Blue Latte: Waaitt... you're a premium member? XD : You still need one from me! *laughs* SolemnSerpent: Bask in the glory of being Premium! <3 Kirarichan: Thanks for the gift ^^ Bluemoon Halo: Thank you X3! ninetailslover: Tahnk you so much!!! : Thank you >.< : Thankiis! ;3 : thanks! lulu727: ThankYou! Viollet: Thx 4 the gift. I see U <3 strawberries Blake Jack: Thanks for the gift! : Thanks 4 the gift! Xephos: Thanks. ^^ *purrs* Hevn: Aw, thank u! :) have a cookie! x3 ecnelisterger: xD Strawberry for Berry-Berry~ Narumaniac: Thanks for the gift! :D JanetChan: Ish okay, feel better desu neh? ^_^ : Thanks for the gift. ^^ Have a nice day! marcinha: Thanks for congratulations ^_^ Yammi chan: Thank you ^___~ : thanks! heres a strawberry! MakaXD: Thank you <3 Felcie: Thank you <3 : Hey, thanks for the gift!! XD : Thank you i didn't know we had heehee XD foxfireburn: Thank you very much CloudBerry! =D blue dragon123: Thanks 4 subscribed me :) fierystarlight: t y 4 the sub! =) fierystarlight: thx 4 the gift! :D fierystarlight: thanks!  XD Sakaira: Thank you for the gift <3 V i X e n: Ty for the gift! ^^ IChiTa: berries! XD IChiTa: berry! :D IChiTa: berry! :D Kidork: C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!! XnomdeplumeX: Thanks for the gift! Enjoy Mr. Berry! :3 saki 1234: For making my day~  :3 : Thank you!! ^///^ Arctic Summer: Thank you lots my friend! : Thank you ^^ Karisan: Thank you very much!!!XD Sarasface: your post made me happy so here's a gift ecnelisterger: Aloha~ Berry-Berry~ fma17: you can never have enough of these! XD Sarasface: Have a strawberry! mewnicole: i hope your computer gets fix : Cause you're wallpapers are great! ^_^ : To help u start a new theme XD nirvana donut: i can't compete with e chan! lol!!! ecnelisterger: xD ecnelisterger: Another Strawberry?? ecnelisterger: Hah! I'm spamming you with Strawberries! ecnelisterger: Berry~Berry~~~ ecnelisterger: Oh! No more Cloud-related-nickname.... ecnelisterger: Cloud-nine? ecnelisterger: xD Ignore the Q. it's just for fun~ ecnelisterger: How many strawberry is in the box? ecnelisterger: Berry-Berry again~ ecnelisterger: Berry-Berry~ : wanna straberry? ;3 Bleachic: Thanks for the sub, my friend  *smiles* Support KIRA: Another Strawberry for ya *laughs* reichiinya: You seem like you need more berries! : Another strawberry? ^3^ aizome: ~Strawberry fields forever~ for you ;D aizome: another strawberry for your collection HelloKatty: LOVE YOU MART MART! <3 HelloKatty: LOVE YOU MART MART! <3 Ritona: I offer a berry. It seems you like them. : more strawberries for you to nom on!! :3 LightFykki: Strawberry for Strawberry-chan!!!!! LightFykki: Thanks for being a good friend! ^^ LightFykki: Have I ever send you a gift? xD Kaerlyn: Thanks for the chat :D Elskej: thanks so much for the subscribing! n.n winterlionheart: do you run or flirt til it hurts winterlionheart: pop winterlionheart: You walk in indie rock, used to be dirty jikosangel: thanks for entering my 2nd challenge!! : Good to hear your good too! x3 : I'm good ;3 : How are you?? xD : hey! xD (1st) JanetChan: Thank you so much, Cloud-chan! bunnyyyy! Blue Latte: You're a good friend too <3 Blue Latte: Happy St Patrick's day!! Hulaberry32: Feel better, Marshmallow-chan! :3 nirvana donut: you rule! thanks for the great graphics! : Thank you so much... mewnicole: have a good trip we will miss you HelloKatty: I feel the love. ily. <3 ecnelisterger: Good luck!! :3 ecnelisterger: Strawberry for the cute clumsy lady. mewnicole: maybe 3!!! mewnicole: you get 2 gifts mewnicole: you make me soooooo happy ecnelisterger: N ecnelisterger: A ecnelisterger: H ecnelisterger: C ecnelisterger: D ecnelisterger: U ecnelisterger: O ecnelisterger: L ecnelisterger: C ecnelisterger: More strawberries~~~ :3 ecnelisterger: Your favorite fruit ~ xD ecnelisterger: Strawberry Madness! xD ecnelisterger: I hope u r doing fine. :> ecnelisterger: Then have some strawberries! ecnelisterger: xD Too many Pandas~~ ecnelisterger: I never blame you. D: Not once. ecnelisterger: I was afraid that I have disappoint you ecnelisterger: That's why I didn't tell you directly. ecnelisterger: I didn't want to ruin your mood. D: : 'coz you really need a hug... ecnelisterger: And best wishes for you! ecnelisterger: I hope u r doing fine. :> ecnelisterger: And another one! ecnelisterger: Just thought I'd spam you with gifts. xD mewnicole: tax for being my friend and help me out mewnicole: will you be my friend : 'coz you're just so awesome :3 winterlionheart: thankies kita mikichi: Best wishes! =^-^= SaiKat: Thanks for being awesome <3 HelloKatty: Congrats on winning my challenge! wh2000: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bluhart: for yer creativity!!! : *hugs* hope everything goes okay... Kaagemusha: For Being FallenAngel 01's Best Friend : thank you for caring so much Row76: Happy birthday!! Quiet Noise: Happy (belated) b-day! (very late!!) Carbon Frost: thanks for the subs :] swizzledhazelnut: Hey your really god at wallies X3 Auraelys: Happy belated birthday! 2otaku2: Thanks for the Subscription! Tetsuo334: soz its late ^^ happy birthday! Shadowcatgirl: Happy Birthday!! harvestmoonluvr: Happy Birthday! <3333 ReiKiba: Happy Valentine's Day, Sebastian! :D marcinha: Happy Birthday late^_^ Miracle Star19: HAPPEH V-DAY!!! =3 : Happy Valentines Day! SaiKat: Happy V-day :) Yammi chan: Happy Valentine's day ! ^^ TamaDoodles24: happy b-lated B-day!!!  XD : 3  XD  : 3 Ritona: Happy Valentine's Day, Cloud! Rainbow Dragon: Happy belated birthday friend : Happy birthday! Ero Kagy: Happy Birthday To You Blue Latte: will take forever to open and sign XD Blue Latte: sign your GB, you're too popular, it.... Blue Latte: Happy Birthday, Cloud!! Sorry I can't... beloved blood: TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAHLIN!!! <3~~! ecnelisterger: Happy Birthday! :> KitKatKitty: Happy V. Day! KitKatKitty: Happy (late) Birthday! : happy b-day!!!!!! you rock!!! :D twinklesakura: Happy valentines -- spread the love! =) Hanaro Souhi: Yey!Happy Birthday!> w < bookworm4444: Happy Birthday! winterlionheart: lets make it 48! and no feeling bad! Support KIRA: Happy Birthday! Hope it's great~ AmberTears: Happy Bday, Cloud-chan! : HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!.... : Happy birthday! Hope you had a good one. HelloKatty: Happy 17th Birthday! <3 Star Crossed: Happy Birthday! :D : Happy Birthday!!! *hugs* AngelBest Dream: Happy birthday! LightFykki: HAAAPPYYY BIRTHDAAAA!!!!!!!! ^____^ ItachiSasuke: Happy Birthday, hope it's a good one! :D Miracle Star19: HAPPEH BIRFDAY!!! =D nin-chaz: happy birthday! kamichama karin s: happy birthday and v-day!^^ : HAPPY BDAY NII-SAN!!!!! X3 Butterflykiss: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SISTER!!! Hulaberry32: Happy Birthday~<3 AnnaKanda: Happy Birthday! XD Amestar: Happy Birthday Cloud :) avrilfan: Happy Birthday! TwinkLes: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! vdr-07: happy b-day :3!!!! ReiKiba: Also you hv the same bday as my lil'sis! ReiKiba: Make sure to hv fun out there wif Ciel! ReiKiba: U'll get thru all hardship wif this rose Hevn: Hey, Happy Birthdayy! :) xxPockyAddictx: Happy Birthday!~ :D soldierofthedark: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope its awesome :D Angel Zakuro: Happy birthday! :] : happy birthday cloud!!! ^^ 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! =^D envythejealous: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLOUD-CHAN!!!!! reichiinya: hope you enjoy your birthday pocky! Katherine Talbot: Happy B-Day! *__* SaxGirl: Happy birthday cloud-chan!<3 *hugs* Apocalypse92: Happy Birthday! n.n SaiKat: Happy Birthday! :D Have fun! KrondorianV: Since you're so sweet!!!^^ KrondorianV: I think I'll make something for you! KrondorianV: Happy B-day!!! ^_^ rosel D: ...and Happy Valentines >w< rosel D: Happy Birthday!Enjoy your special day^_^ Love Breaks: Happy Birthday! ReiKiba: Happy birthday n have a great day :D Felcie: Happy Birthday !! x) sim94: Happy birthday! Ritona: Happy Birthday! :D Immortal Queen: Happy birthday Cloud!!!!! Hulaberry32: Thank you for the gifts! :DD : happy V-day/ early 2/14 Angel Zakuro: Thank you for the prizes! :) LightFykki: Of course that I do! It is all true! ^_^ : *hands cupcake*Glad your feelin' better! : Thank you for being really nice + sweet! KitKatKitty: You're worth supporting! Hulaberry32: I'll always be here for youuu~<3 :D xNotUnderstood: Love and Listen,why I'm here Apocalypse92: strawberries for the win :3 ecnelisterger: And looks delicious too~ :9 ecnelisterger: And redder?? XD ecnelisterger: But it's awesomer than cupcakes. XD ecnelisterger: Not pink like cupcakes....>3< ecnelisterger: They're not puffy like cupcakes..030 ecnelisterger: Strawberries~~~ ecnelisterger: Mikuo wants to give you these~ ecnelisterger: Miku! xNotUnderstood: you have such a sweet inside <3 ReiKiba: One for you too, Sebastian!!! :D animelover5000: Thank you for the gift ^^ Felcie: Thank you <3 ecnelisterger: For the cupcakkies~ XD ecnelisterger: Here's a strawberry! twinklesakura: >poke!< long time! hw r u? josephine12cute: u R a good friend & u'll always be :)) ecnelisterger: And the last strawberry attack~ XD ecnelisterger: Fourth Wave~ ecnelisterger: Third Wave!!! ecnelisterger: Second Wave! ecnelisterger: Strawberry Attacks! XD envythejealous: Thank you for the nice gift! LightFykki: Thank you! You are a great friend too! ReiKiba: Aww, thank you for being YOU too! winterlionheart: maybe so, I don't like winterlionheart: your sweeter Blue Latte: lol.. DEAL!! : Aww~ so are you ;3 Blue Latte: Well then.... both of us are sweet!! XD Blue Latte: I'm not!!! You better give me cupcake!! Blue Latte: not as sweet as youl XD Xephos: Nya. Happy New Year. ^^ Hanaro Souhi: For your sweetness!> 3 < *hugs* aminesick: Happy new years to you!! =D potion 4 you vampirehitsugaya: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! ElementalNinja: Happy New Years! 2011!! beloved blood: HAPPY NEW YEAR, MY DAHLIN!!! rosel D: Have a Happy and Wondrous New Year! ecnelisterger: All the best for 2011~ :D Yammi chan: Happy 2011 ^___^ twinklesakura: Happy new year! Blue Latte: Happy New Year!! starwing12: Happy Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Taniya: Happy New Year :) Support KIRA: Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! <3 scoodi: Happy Holidays! c: wh2000: Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! : Happy holidays too. Timcanpy14: Merry Christmas and a happy New Year~ ^^ josephine12cute: Merry Xmas & Happy New Year :)) pau7: Merry Chrsitmas my dear friend!!^^ Miracle Star19: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :D Blysse: Happy Holidays (: Rainbow Dragon: Hope you have a good Xmas too! Rainbow Dragon: Happy Holidays to you too friend! Bleachic: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :3 Sweet L: Merry Christmas to you too! *hugs* itemilicious: Merry Christmas~ :D Hanaro Souhi: Thanks!Hope you have fun in this days!~ Hanaro Souhi: Happy Holidays for you too!> w < *hugs* Felcie: Happy Holidays to you too !! x) marcinha: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ^_^ Sunshine 60: Enjoy your holidays =^.^= harvestmoonluvr: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! <3 aizome: Merry Christmas, CS-san!~from Ai& Re~ SaxGirl: Happy Holidays!^____^ *hugs* <333 Immortal Queen: Have a very merry Christmas Love Breaks: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Kailith: Thanks! Happy Holidays to you too!! beloved blood: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3XD beloved blood: HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU TOO<3<3 sasusaku 4ever: Ty, and have a very great Christmas too ecnelisterger: XD ecnelisterger: Cause I'll be upset if u got hurt..D: ecnelisterger: Take care! Don't get urself hurt too! ecnelisterger: Remember, be happy!!!! ecnelisterger: Have a wonderful time with Len too! ecnelisterger: May your days be merry and fun! ecnelisterger: Happy holiday~ XD ecnelisterger: Sending my greeting with this strawberry Shadowcatgirl: Merry Christmas!:) Shadowcatgirl: Thanks:) I hope you have fun too!:) lunesoldier20: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :) envythejealous: Happy Holidays!!! : Happy Holidays Quiet Noise: I wish u Happy Holidays my friend! ^^ LightFykki: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! BabyD: Merry Christmas! hohoho Artgrrl: Merry Christmas! ^_^ Ritona: Merry Christmas! Katherine Talbot: Merry Christmas!!! ReiKiba: Merry Christmas and H.New Year! ^-^ rosel D: Merry Christmaaaaasssss!!!! XD Rainbow Dragon: Happy Holidays thks for being awesome Rainbow Dragon: Congrats on winning:) Immortal Queen: Thank you for entering snow fun! winterlionheart: Happy Holidays : Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!!! ^^ LightFykki: Thanks you for sub and being nice!^^ ecnelisterger: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hanaro Souhi: Thanks for be an adorable friend! *hugs* kita mikichi: Congrats on your promotion!!! RSRKingdomStars: uwah thanks<3 you too~<3 >//u//< *glomp* Butterflykiss: cuz you're awesome X3 xNotUnderstood: Thank you 4 working hard in my challenge Haxelo: Congrats becoming Senior Otaku++! ecnelisterger: Congrats for the promotion~ XD ecnelisterger: For my Miku-chan~ :D ReiKiba: Hang in there~  :D I'm always here 4 ya~ ecnelisterger: The panda wanna give you this. ecnelisterger: *pokes* The panda did it!! ReiKiba: You are sweet too! <3 HelloKatty: FOR MY LONG LOST SISTER/CLONE!! winterlionheart: haha i know you are -_- : Thank you for the subscription! ecnelisterger: XD Cloud-chan!!! Sweet L: Thank you! *hugs* ecnelisterger: You're my petite cute Cloud-chan~ ^^ Felcie: Here is ramen love for u too <3 : Of course u are! And I love u for it! ^^ : I share pocky with you X3 Thx 4 kitty!! : AWW thankies� so are you :D HelloKatty: I Love You More! X3 rosel D: ...and wallies(!) too... XD rosel D: thanks >_< you have much pretty cards : thank you ReiKiba: Ah, sorry I sent you an error xD ReiKiba: Both you n s-lionheart are awesome! xD ReiKiba: both you n  are awesome ReiKiba: For you, Sebastian! :) winterlionheart: you know how much i loves him winterlionheart: thanks for all the prety ciel walls! winterlionheart: yeah XD winterlionheart: having to much fun to stop winterlionheart: we like kuro so yes XD winterlionheart: ja..but it's kinda obvious winterlionheart: Oh my...XD winterlionheart: are you sharing theese gifts? :/ XD winterlionheart: but ol-la-la we all know it's true winterlionheart: weirdest gift i ever gave winterlionheart: Thanks for getting me into Kuroshitsuji : Thanks for the subscription! beloved blood: *throws panda at u* thanks! >8D : You better be sorry!! X3 Just kidding ^^ xNotUnderstood: cuz you got the heart of a Puppy <3 ecnelisterger: *huggles* >///< Hope you're gonna b ok.. ecnelisterger: XD scoodi: Happy [belated] Halloween! :D ecnelisterger: Sleep is essential~~~ ecnelisterger: Don't worry about it!! XD ecnelisterger: LOT!! XD ecnelisterger: a ecnelisterger: Thanks ecnelisterger: It's okay, I'll do my best again! pau7: THANK YOU! xD and YOU TOO!! beloved blood: Happy Halloween to u, 2!!! <3~ >8D josephine12cute: Happy Halloween! Quiet Noise: have a happy Halloween *muhahaha*... Katherine Talbot: Happy Halloween! aizome: Happy Halloween, CS-san!~ Ai-chan ^w^ Timcanpy14: Happy Halloween! ^^ Felcie: Happy Halloween !! 8D ecnelisterger: Happy Halloween!!! XD ecnelisterger: *POKE* ecnelisterger: XD ecnelisterger: N ecnelisterger: N ecnelisterger: A ecnelisterger: H ecnelisterger: C ecnelisterger: - ecnelisterger: D ecnelisterger: U ecnelisterger: O ecnelisterger: L ecnelisterger: C ecnelisterger: Change the gifts!!!! ecnelisterger: Oh heck, you like strawberry!! DX ecnelisterger: But still I can't wait to talk with you. ecnelisterger: I'm sorry u got limited time.. ecnelisterger: It's Panda-spamming (is that right?? XD) ecnelisterger: Cause panda are awesome and so are you!! ecnelisterger: I hope you'll like this panda!! ecnelisterger: I love gifts!! ecnelisterger: Sankyuu for the gifts!!! XD ecnelisterger: Cloud-chan!!!!! XD : Yay, 10000 comments! ^_^ (as promised) : Here ya go Nii-san!! Pocky!! ^-^ ecnelisterger: I'm always here. ^-^ To listen. ecnelisterger: For a great friend~ ecnelisterger: Just a hunch?? XD ecnelisterger: me!!! ecnelisterger: than ecnelisterger: sweeter ecnelisterger: sweeter ecnelisterger: more ecnelisterger: much ecnelisterger: are ecnelisterger: You ecnelisterger: Thank u so much for having me as friend! HikariKaeriyama: for you from me : Here ya go Nii-san! U & ur appetite...:P ecnelisterger: Cloud-San~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kisskiss-bangbang: ITS OKAY I LUFF LATENESS ecnelisterger: That's my line...:D ecnelisterger: For the epic wallpapers maker...:> winterlionheart: sup Dax da man XD Haxelo: Thank You For Being Great Friend *glomp* beloved blood: thanks for the dedication *GLOMP*=^.~= beloved blood: *BIG kissy* <3, have my heart, man!!!>.< pau7: for being so FREAKIN! AWESOME!! xD pau7: THANK YOU!!!! T^T winterlionheart: bitte!!!! :3 Haxelo: Cuddle Bear! Hug! ^^ beloved blood: *back* I miiiissed you too, dahling!!!! kisskiss-bangbang: 3,884 words to go... Pantalaimon1467: Thanks for 28 entries to my challenge!=D Puppet Mistress: FOR YOUR EPICNESS mikufanboy: Thanks for the Wallpaper beloved blood: >XD but not as awesome as you <3 8D HelloKatty: For My Other Miku! Love Ya! X3 winterlionheart: PRAXIS GO SMASH!!!!!!!! winterlionheart: Here's to you, Torn Auraelys: Thank you for entering my contest! :D winterlionheart: to my little buddy aizome: Smile! Life can be sweet when you want liveeverysecond: Thanks bunches! Great entry! Congrats^_^ beloved blood: cuz nuthin's as sweet as you!!! <3luv u! winterlionheart: You are awesome and awesome again XD Xephos: Thanks. ^^ *purrs* Haxelo: Missing you! *hugs* Miracle Star19: HAPPY EASTER!!! =3 LovelyRisa: Nice talking to you again! See u around! Miracle Star19: Happy St. Patty Day =3 winterlionheart: To the most awesome sibling ever :D :D Haxelo: For Being The Bestest!! Kyubi Elric: ICECREAM!!! *Jiggy:eats it* oops X3 Xenesis: for being awesoem enough to earn this ajLOVEStobi: Happy (late) Birthday! Luv~Tobi vanieturnip: happy b'day cloud hope u like it Shadowcatgirl: Happy belated birthday! Hope you had fun XrabidfangirlX: Happy Birthday a day late! starwing12: Happy Valentine's Day ^_^!!! :) Miracle Star19: *Cupid strikes* HAPPY V-DAY!!! X3 : Happy Valentine's Day! ~love TW & Ruki~ Katherine Talbot: Happy Valentine's Day! ~ from Aoi & KT ~ Haxelo: happy birthday :D! *HUGS* beloved blood: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! :3 sasuke uchia: HAPPY BIRFF DAY LIL MISS!!! bookworm4444: Happy Birthday! I hope its the best ever Row76: Hey ;) have a great birthday school4550: Happy B-Day!! Hope you have a great one! Xenesis: happy birthday cloud!!^-^ noirassasin: Happy Birthday! � � Miracle Star19: WISH YOU A WONDERFUL HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:D marcinha: Have a great Birthday!!!^_^ Sunshine 60: Happy Birthday!! <3 blackBat: Happy Birthday! starwing12: happy birthday! ^o^ ^_^ :) : Happy Birthday!!!  ~love TW & Ruki~ AKAKA: Happy Birthday... ulterego333: Happy Birthday <(^.^<) Chaos Jonny: Happy Birthday buddy!!! XD beloved blood: BE MINE, VALENTINE!!! ^o^ ahahaha!!! winterlionheart: *huggles* to the best sibling ever XD ^^ ChibiEdoGirl: I bet it will be awesome! Yay! � roxas b: merry christmas to you to Rainbow Dragon: For being an amazing friend:D Xenesis: have a good year cloud :D Kyubi Elric: Happy New Year XD : Happy New Year!!! krizomet: wish u a lucky year 2010!! X3 Haxelo: Happy New Year! X3 sasuke uchia: happy belated christmas sissy : Hope your Christmas was good! Sweet L: Happy Holidays! ^^ bookworm4444: Merry (belated) Christmas! =D Felcie: Happy holidays too and happy new year! : "short and cute" - Aoi winterlionheart: this is for the K-man!! Support KIRA: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! XrabidfangirlX: thanks, and Merry Christmas to you *hug* winterlionheart: it's been so long, how are you? winterlionheart: yup. more -_- XD winterlionheart: sorry for more -_- winterlionheart: enjoy winterlionheart: Don winterlionheart: to many gifts to send winterlionheart: clean your rooom!!! winterlionheart: Happy Birthday winterlionheart: I'm gift happy so yeah.... vdr-07: You are a cool person!! X3 sasusaku 4ever: Merry Christmas !!! :) darkittylove: Merry Christmas!!! *hugs* inufluffy12: Merry Christmas Cloud!! :D ajLOVEStobi: Merry Christmas cloudstrife!!! ;D Xenesis: merry christmas!Gee's in the box 2 XD RSRKingdomStars: HUGS! :D Thank you for being cool~ ily<3 xxPockyAddictx: Happy Holidays since I'm a day late:) Katherine Talbot: Merry Christmas! from Aoi and KT Kyubi Elric: Merry Christmas XD AKAKA: Merry Christmas to you too.... beloved blood: Happy Xmas!!!! ^-^ ^o^ winterlionheart: Cute, just like you XD XD kukki-chan: :3 nya~ Miracle Star19: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!:DDD marcinha: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year^_^ Quiet Noise: Merry X-Mas!!! LunaInverse: MERRY X-MAS and Happy New Year :3 Haxelo: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! X3 ulterego333: Merry Christmas! <(^.^<) SojiRem: Merry Christmas! killua2512: MERRY CHRISTMAS!! : Merry Christmas! ~love TW & Ruki-san~ Kyubi Elric: Thanks for being such a great friend :) winterlionheart: Happy Holidays ^^ roxas b: thankyou Yuffie1972: Anyone who likes FFVII is my new BFF winterlionheart: To and awesome monkey!!! ^_^ sideshowxbob: pig pig pig avrilfan: For making really cool walls!!!! sideshowxbob: :3! sideshowxbob: Gawrsh, youre gonna make me blush. XD Stella17: thanks for the walle a box of gift to u! Shadowcatgirl: For being such a good friend! winterlionheart: banana for my favorite monkey Anime freak2: I love your Wallies and Cards LunaInverse: Here your cookie for the card. THANKS Shadowcatgirl: Thank you for everything :) AvariceTears: You Always Know Just What to Say. Blue Jaguar: thanks for the bday gift from Axelflame kisskiss-bangbang: BECAUSE YOUR AMAZINGLY AWESOME XD winterlionheart: Pigpigpig sasoriofredsand: I guess......i will share my pocky butterflyxtears: Pie! ^^ xxPockyAddictx: And a strawberry to you!!! Rainbow Dragon: Thanks for being a cool friend;) : Thanks for the Lulu wallie Miss Cloud... butterflyxtears: to help with all that housecleanin..hehe butterflyxtears: thanks ^-^ butterflyxtears: a cookie for yew ^^~sorry I was hungry.. ginovaef: helping me make important decisions. Axelflame: here's to being a good friend to me :3 sasuke uchia: saw ur world on gifts so have1 jst caust Haxelo: You're are a great friend ^^ Tnx so much areemus: ~Our Friendship will Last 4ever~ Amen! areemus: I love u sis...plz never leave me alone. sasuke uchia: sorry the request you asked for sucks binaR: Happy(late)Birthday & Valentine's Day! winterlionheart: Happy birthday!!! sasuke uchia: HAPPY BIRTHDAY^^ areemus: THANK U so much for being with me..... winterlionheart: thank you very much for the gift ^^ sasuke uchia: awwh thanks^^ so sweet and 4 the wallies squallxleonhart66: thanks for the gift :) I love it
Trophy Case Fan Art Trophy Wallpapers Trophy Fan Comics Trophy Cards Trophy Quizzes Trophy Comments Trophy
Medals Creator - The Oddball Contestant - Challenge: .•It is MY fetish•. Winner - Challenge: Fandoms Are Family Creator - UGH That's SO Mainstream Contestant - Challenge: Absolutely Adorable! Contestant - Challenge: Confessions Contestant - Challenge: Confessions Contestant - Challenge: Confessions Contestant - Challenge: Hope For Japan Winner - Challenge: Because I\'m stupid Winner - Challenge: CLOSEUP Contestant - Challenge: Religious Context Winner - Challenge: Final Fantasy Winner - Challenge: Not all of it. Creator - Glorius Gothic Winner - Challenge: Pastries Winner - Challenge: Simply Gothic Contestant - Challenge: Sell it to me. Contestant - Challenge: theOtaku Summer Fun Contest Contestant - Challenge: Twin cards Contestant - Challenge: Twin cards Contestant - Challenge: yum. Contestant - Challenge: yum. Contestant - Challenge: Typographic Background Winner - Challenge: It\'s not all Honey Winner - Challenge: Create A CD Cover - Songs Of Myself Contestant - Challenge: Tell Me More Creator - First Verse Contestant - Challenge: Magic in the Air Contestant - Challenge: Magic in the Air Winner - Challenge: ~Within Temptation~ Contestant - Challenge: EDITS EDITS EDITS. Contestant - Challenge: April Showers bring May Flowers Contestant - Challenge: April Showers bring May Flowers Creator - What's Yours? Contestant - Challenge: My eyes can\'t take it anymore!!!! Winner - Challenge: Let There Be Light Contestant - Challenge: Retrospect! Contestant - Challenge: Retrospect! Winner - Challenge: I heart theOtaku! Contestant - Challenge: animal KINGdom Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Winner - Challenge: remake Creator - ~~Your Friend In Anime~~ Contestant - Challenge: Tough and Beautiful Contestant - Challenge: Tales Family! Contestant - Challenge: Tales Family! Contestant - Challenge: tough&rough Contestant - Challenge: Super Heroes Contestant - Challenge: sweet Thing Contestant - Challenge: sweet Thing Contestant - Challenge: sweet Thing Contestant - Challenge: [inspiration, magic, hope] Creator - Anime(ATE) Yourself Contestant - Challenge: Simple yet Beautiful Winner - Challenge: Dedicated To Friendship! Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Contestant - Challenge: Be my Valentine. Contestant - Challenge: Be my Valentine. Winner - Challenge: Celebrating Chinese New Year!! Creator - Inspiration To Win The Fight Winner - Challenge: Splatters Winner - Challenge: Reminders.... Contestant - Challenge: The Art of Reality Contestant - Challenge: The Art of Reality Contestant - Challenge: The Art of Reality Contestant - Challenge: Winter Wonderland Winner - Challenge: \'Tis the Season for Dedications Winner - Challenge: Kuroshitsuji XD Creator - Synthesizers Need Love Too >3< Contestant - Challenge: Snow fun Winner - Challenge: the hardest wallpaper I ever made... Contestant - Challenge: Fire. Beuty or Beast? Creator - Your Interpretation Contestant - Challenge: Who is your Devil? Contestant - Challenge: The Great Imitators Contestant - Challenge: The Great Imitators Contestant - Challenge: The Great Imitators Winner - Challenge: I remind you of who? Winner - Challenge: Monochromatic(With Spots of Color) Contestant - Challenge: *GREEN* With Envy! Contestant - Challenge: You Remind Me Of......Katty! Contestant - Challenge: You Remind Me Of......Katty! Contestant - Challenge: You Remind Me Of......Katty! Creator - You remind me of..... Contestant - Challenge: Sweet Things Contestant - Challenge: A page of Calendar Creator - Revamp Epicness Winner - Challenge: Lyrics Winner - Challenge: Vocaloid Family! Creator - Strawberry Surprise Contestant - Challenge: What\'s your soul connected  to Contestant - Challenge: Make any Wallie you want :3 Contestant - Challenge: Make any Wallie you want :3 Winner - Challenge: the BEST FMA wallie Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: Favorite songs Contestant - Challenge: Accent With Color Creator - Night Of The Living Jack Winner - Challenge: I HATE YOU!!!!! Contestant - Challenge: Give Me More Colors!! Winner - Challenge: Music Contestant - Challenge: White Haired Contestant - Challenge: Vocaloid Winner - Challenge: Spring time wallpapers Winner - Challenge: Tokio Hotel lyrics Creator - Something Sweet Winner - Challenge: GOTHICS UNITE! Contestant - Challenge: Summer! Sea! Swimsuits! Winner - Challenge: TWINS!!!! ^^ Contestant - Challenge: ThE fInAl CoUnTdOwN!!!! 8D Contestant - Challenge: Design a Princess Contestant - Challenge: Design a Princess Contestant - Challenge: Knights of Zodiac ! Contestant - Challenge: Best X-mas '09 Cards Contestant - Challenge: Love Triangles Creator - Go Goth Creator - The Military Winner - Challenge: homonculus Winner - Challenge: Darker Than Black Contestant - Challenge: Vibrent My World Contestant - Challenge: Vibrent My World Contestant - Challenge: hana no GARDEN Contestant - Challenge: How Good Are You? Creator - Best Zidane and Garnet wall Winner - Challenge: The ones forgoten.. Contestant - Challenge: Faerie pet? Contestant - Challenge: Dead Fantasy:Radiant Princess Contestant - Challenge: Dead Fantasy:Radiant Princess Creator - Dead Fantasy Rinoa Creator - Saddest Fullmetal Alchemist Wallpaper Creator - Saddest Fullmetal Alchemist Wallpaper Contestant - Challenge: School calls! Contestant - Challenge: Nothin\' But Nekos ^^ Contestant - Challenge: Inspire: Monochrome Factor Winner - Challenge: Kingdom Hearts wallpaper challenge

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