I think this quote sums up the feeling of getting depressed. You're desperate to crawl back up, but it sucks you mercilessly down...
Tried some new stuff on this card...:) Especially in terms of the typography:3 I put the text on several blend modes and tried using various fonts:3 Please let me know what you think! Other than that, the usual stuff - cropping, rotation, colour enhancement and grunge textures.
Feedback, as always, is VERY much appreciated! <333
Time taken: 2-3 hours
Done in: PS 6 with tablet
Scan from minitokyo (I know, MikuBerry, I have discovered Benjamin's art too!:P)
Texture 1 by WanderingSoul-Stox on dA
Texture 2 by darkrose42-stock on dA
Font: (last phrase) EPIDEMIA from dafont.com, rest are standard fonts.
Lyrics from 'Falling inside the black' - Skillet
Dedicated to: IchigoShirayuki, for hosting the challenge!:3