Hanaro Souhi (eCard Portfolio) *~ {Little Angels.} ~*

*~ {Little Angels.} ~*

Hello everyone!~ How are you?
This is my card for the challenge: "Creative impression" by Asuha-chan!~ Is her first challenge!XD Yay!
Was so hard to choose only one of many people I admire!~
Yey!Finnaly I finished this cute card!~ I thought I could not finish it in time...~ But now all is fine!XD

This card consumed many work time!But with love and care
I'm very proud of it!^ w ^ I did my best!
Everything is perfect as I planned!~ XD Haha!I'm SOOO HAPPY!~~~

I hope that you don't care about my delay,Asuha-chan!
As I promised, here is my entry!XD Your challenge is simply wonderful!~ *hugs*
Great work!~

As I did this card?O w O Well,first,I extracted the Adumi Tohru's image[I was a good time doing it,because I'm so slow...=_='],they reminds me something with Alice in Wonderland...~
I'm a big fan of her artworks!*_*
After,I did the background with little bubbles and the white lace with blue Plaid.[All made with brushes!~]
I added the textures and color layers too!~
Behind them is written only:"wonderland" [but I think you can not see very well...T_T] And I put wings for combine with the text!XD LOL!~
For the typography I did also another white lace bar![So cute!~]

I tried to use all my creativity,but I think it doesn't compare to the wonderful work of the person who I'll dedicate it.
She's so sweet and a amazing friend!...=^-^= Her name is Haru-chan[TokyoHaru]!~~ XD Haha!~
Yes,this card is for you,dear!~ *hugs* [I feel an idiot for haven't dedicated something to you until today!Sorry for it!]
I tried to "imitate" your style a bit but I think it didn't work...^_^'
[Anyway I hope you like it!~]

You have no idea how she always surprised me with all the beauty and cuteness of her cards and wallpapers!* w *
I admire the details and creativity on them!* w * So beautiful!~
I remember when I began to accompany her and was amazed every time!XD LOL!~ She inspired me a lot!
I love comment her works,because she deserves many praises!^ w ^
And I love talk with you too,Haru-chan!XD *hugs* LOL!~ So fun and cool!XD
Please,keep being a awesome person as always!X3

I hope everyone like my new card!~


*-Artist:Adumi Tohru [Image from MiniTokyo]

*-Textures: {DeviantArt}
-Foxxie-chan,2 textures by regularjane[1 and 2] and DyingBeautyStock

*-Brushes: {DeviantArt}
-green-eyed-butterfly,wilw and myluckystars

Thanks for all the pretty comments,Faves and Hugs!~
All the support that I receive help me to improve my work!^-^

Thanks again and take care!~

Other Anime and Manga eCards
adumi, adumi tohru, angels, tohru, wonderland
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Member Dedication
Creative impression

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