Kiss My Eyes & Lay Me to Sleep
[RS] Passive
For xNotUnderstood's "Dedication to a friend" Challenge
This card is based off the AMV, [RS] Passive by Chiikaboom (my most favorite AMV creator ever). I would enter this card for AMV's Tribute 2! (Check it out! BabyD has some awesome prizes!), but I already submitted an entry for it. Plus, I wanted to make this for Hanaro Souhi! You should check out her cards, they are too cute. And she leaves the sweetest comments that would make anyone smile. :D
Made on Adobe Photoshop CS5.
Original Image: โฅ
Dedicated to Hanaro Souhi โ I LUV YU!! lol. XD *huggles*
P.S. I was searching TheOtaku for some cards that had oz in it, and I found Peaceful [days] by Timcanpy14. Oh dear! What a mad coincidence. (No Timcanpy14 didn't copy because Timcanpy14 submitted the card first so blame me if you want.) But I swear I didn't copy. XD