"Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it!"
-Tony Stark (Iron Man)
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY RITONA!! XD ... aaand I'm four days late. What kind of friend am I? Truly sorry!! Anyway, I hope you like the card 'cause everyone knows how much of a fan you are of the Avengers, especially Iron Man and Captain America. I thought it'd be cool to make an eCard of Iron Man and Captain America together but then I found this image: ;D. Then I was like, "OMGGG IRON AMERICA FTW." So I used that instead LOL.
Made on Adobe Photoshop CS5.
(I CAN FINALLY USE PHOTOSHOP AGAIN. The past few days, it wouldn't launch for some unknown reason, hence the lateness of Ritona's gift. It finally started randomly working this morning. Hmmm...)
Original Image: โฅ
Dedicated to Ritona Raito โ *hugs* 'Cuz you're a special friend.