It can be any type of zombie you want :D
Evil Dead (possession)
28 Days Later (alive but infected)
or classic Romero Zombies (infected and dead)
or Dead Space/Halo/RE4 too
Last edited by hallowbait93 at 2:41:41 PM CST on December 30, 2010.
oh hmm well then you might not get the characters in my fan's a brief summary so that you're not totally lost...
Hetalia basically personified countries in the world as humans, so there's an america, england, japan, china, italy, etc. the plotline is set mostly in WWI and'd think it was a serious, historical anime but it's just the opposite! Every epi. is 5 minutes long and the mangaka just makes fun of the countries (in a lighthearted way) and draws upon their stereotypes ^^
the name Hetalia is a combination of 'hetare' which means useless in japanese and 'italia' which is useless italy which refers to the fact that italy was almost useless in WWI even though they were part of the Axis powers
If anything this show will make your history classes more interesting xD
so yeah back to your challenge, I'm going to be 'playing' one country (probably england) and the other countries are going to be the other survivors ^^
ahaha I wrote a whole review up there...sorry for the long post!!
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/16/10 | Reply
:3 I'm going to participate... I'll just need the date ^^
:3 You made the absolute awesomest challenge though
I'll definitely try to participate in this challenge. ^^ Great idea! Too bad the faves on the fan words aren't working, but I'll try to remember this one. :))
I was thinking about anime characters but I didn't really like it but it occured to me that I could read as pikachu is being chased by zombified Ash and Misty. :-)
so yeah, you can use anime characters ^.^
Last edited by hallowbait93 at 3:52:48 PM CST on December 16, 2010.
Question: you said it has to be first person but is it okay if I write as a character...say for example I am Character A from an anime and the other survivors are the other characters from said basically I'm role playing in the first person. Is that okay?
Momiji san
Otakuite | Posted 12/31/10 | Reply
Oh ha ha. I fixed it never mined. XD
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/30/10 | Reply
It can be any type of zombie you want :D
Evil Dead (possession)
28 Days Later (alive but infected)
or classic Romero Zombies (infected and dead)
or Dead Space/Halo/RE4 too
Last edited by hallowbait93 at 2:41:41 PM CST on December 30, 2010.
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/29/10 | Reply
So the zombies aren't made by a virus or infection, but are raised from the dead. correct?
Last edited by pedegg at 3:00:59 PM CST on December 29, 2010.
Momiji san
Otakuite | Posted 12/23/10 | Reply
I'm sorry I axcidentaly enturned mine twice. Just forget about one.
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/22/10 | Reply
@Momiji san:
Momiji san
Otakuite | Posted 12/22/10 | Reply
Sound's fun. I know much about zombies and what to do. I except you challenge and will do my best to make this the best zombie apocalypse story ever!![](
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/17/10 | Reply
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/17/10 | Reply
Sounds like a pretty awesome challenge. Too bad I can't fav it, but still I will just write it somewhere, so I wouldn't forget. :D
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/17/10 | Reply
wow, that sounds interesting! i like WW1 :P so i might look for it ^.^
it reminds me of a song my the talking heads.
Your story should be interesting :3 can't wait!
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/17/10 | Reply
oh hmm well then you might not get the characters in my fan's a brief summary so that you're not totally lost...
Hetalia basically personified countries in the world as humans, so there's an america, england, japan, china, italy, etc. the plotline is set mostly in WWI and'd think it was a serious, historical anime but it's just the opposite! Every epi. is 5 minutes long and the mangaka just makes fun of the countries (in a lighthearted way) and draws upon their stereotypes ^^
the name Hetalia is a combination of 'hetare' which means useless in japanese and 'italia' which is useless italy which refers to the fact that italy was almost useless in WWI even though they were part of the Axis powers
If anything this show will make your history classes more interesting xD
so yeah back to your challenge, I'm going to be 'playing' one country (probably england) and the other countries are going to be the other survivors ^^
ahaha I wrote a whole review up there...sorry for the long post!!
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/17/10 | Reply
Sorry but I can't say that I do
i don't read that much anime/manga o.o;;;
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/17/10 | Reply
Oh yeah, okay I'm done. ;D
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/16/10 | Reply
I am definitely going to enter = w= <3
Zombies are... love.
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/16/10 | Reply
I'm writing as we speak.
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/16/10 | Reply
:3 I'm going to participate... I'll just need the date ^^
:3 You made the absolute awesomest challenge though
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 12/16/10 | Reply
I'll definitely try to participate in this challenge. ^^ Great idea! Too bad the faves on the fan words aren't working, but I'll try to remember this one. :))
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/16/10 | Reply
Waah thanks so much! Although I won't be using Pikachu, I'll be using Hetalia! DO you know/like that anime?
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/16/10 | Reply
I was thinking about anime characters but I didn't really like it but it occured to me that I could read as pikachu is being chased by zombified Ash and Misty. :-)
so yeah, you can use anime characters ^.^
Last edited by hallowbait93 at 3:52:48 PM CST on December 16, 2010.
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/16/10 | Reply
Oooh this is certainly unique xD
Question: you said it has to be first person but is it okay if I write as a character...say for example I am Character A from an anime and the other survivors are the other characters from said basically I'm role playing in the first person. Is that okay?
Aww I die? Ahh well I guess I had a nice life xD