well, my idea of it is that you draw a girl from a fairy tale, say belle from beauty and the beast, and you turn her into some insane/emo/goth person. on second thought, i guess you could use ocs too.
i think the main idea of a twisted fairy tale character is a good character that is turned evil and wears torn/dark/punk clothes and they kind of have an 'i don't give a damn' attitude. although you could just use their old clothing if you're drawing a princess that's already been created and make it torn or bloodstained, depending on what kind of character you want them to come through as.
Here's a LINK if you want to see some drawings of twisted fairy tale girls by someone on DA.
...umm never really have drawn a zombie before, and I don't really know how to ^^'
Is it okay if it's just a random character wearing pirate clothes?
And yeah I'll promise not to make it braids and stripey shirts xD
hmm... well, if you're good at drawing zombies...
all i really care about are hair and clothing designs that aren't like 'braided hair and striped shirt'
it's sort of hard to explain but if you go to my portfolio and find the fanart titled 'creepy' the boy on the left is a pirate and that clothing style and hair style is what i'm trying to avoid.
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/22/11 | Reply
Oooooh, alright. That sounds cool. Thanks a lot.
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/22/11 | Reply
well, my idea of it is that you draw a girl from a fairy tale, say belle from beauty and the beast, and you turn her into some insane/emo/goth person. on second thought, i guess you could use ocs too.
i think the main idea of a twisted fairy tale character is a good character that is turned evil and wears torn/dark/punk clothes and they kind of have an 'i don't give a damn' attitude. although you could just use their old clothing if you're drawing a princess that's already been created and make it torn or bloodstained, depending on what kind of character you want them to come through as.
Here's a LINK if you want to see some drawings of twisted fairy tale girls by someone on DA.
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/22/11 | Reply
The "twisted fairytale" sounds interesting, but could you tell me more about it? I'm not sure what it is. XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/20/11 | Reply
ohhh that makes so much more sense now xD
yeah I'll be sure not to do that type of design ^^
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/20/11 | Reply
ahh sorry i mean the pic titled random (now i feel like an idiot >.<)
Rawrtastic Siren (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
thanx man!!!

It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
ah thank you!!
don't worry i know that with school and other activities it's hard to draw anything sometimes.
Rawrtastic Siren (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
i'll try it... i can't promise i'll have time to put up anything...BUT I WILL TRY FOR SURE!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
I totally couldn't tell that you were kidding xD
ahaha it's hard over the internet ^^
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
lawl jk about the zombie :D
yeah sure!
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
...umm never really have drawn a zombie before, and I don't really know how to ^^'
Is it okay if it's just a random character wearing pirate clothes?
And yeah I'll promise not to make it braids and stripey shirts xD
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
hmm... well, if you're good at drawing zombies...
all i really care about are hair and clothing designs that aren't like 'braided hair and striped shirt'
it's sort of hard to explain but if you go to my portfolio and find the fanart titled 'creepy' the boy on the left is a pirate and that clothing style and hair style is what i'm trying to avoid.
thanks for the question!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
oooh I'll submit a pirate drawing!!
Question: Do you want me to draw your characters and design them or can it be any character and I just draw pirate-y stuff?
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
I love the circus in Kuroshitsugiz! 8D I'll try to get something submitted~
aka yuki
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
sounds like soo much fun ^-^
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
Lol, insane laffter! Uhm, okies, i'll TRY to enter though i've never seen any of those animes..though i love the egyptian idea! ^ ^
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/19/11 | Reply
thnx for the invite, Envy. i'll be sure to enter!