Can I ask? I'm confused a little. Mmm, if I draw one character and if I want to enter 2 entries, is he the same I draw? I mean two entries but only one character? Please response. Thank you!
Thanks so much!! It was really fun and I'm glad I thought of it! (: It's always fun to see who the first anime crush was! Thats what's exciting, the embarrassment of some of it
Take your time I gave everyone two months ^^ so no worries. I'm glad that you are interested in it and yes you may have as many crushes as you want in one pic! There is no limit (:
As far as the song goes it's just something silly I was singing to myself *It must have been love but it's over now* those are the lyrics so you could use a someone you thought you liked but once you saw how their character developed you changed your mind ^^
(: I try to make it fun and with a really fun first place I hope a lot will enter although it gets difficult to chose a winner! There are so many great entries everytime ^^ I guess the first place winner could pass on the membership to someone of their picking if they win ^^ I never thought of that. Well good luck if you enter!
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
oh gosh this challenge is just perf!!! XD I'm so embarrassed thinking about my first anime crush, but it'll be fun to draw if I can do enter!
awesome idea Nikki!!! XD
this sounds interesting and fun! im definetaly in! but it will take a while cuz i still have like 4 days of work and then ill have 2 days on trying to draw something for this challenge :)
btw.. i didnt get one part (my english is not that good)
''Or to spice it up the first one you had and then tossed aside hence the song ^^ (it must have been love but it's over noooooooow)''
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
Wow first place sounds pretty awesome I'm sure alot of people will enter trying to get first place..I might enter this one..^^ Since I'm already a premuim member for years :/ doesn't seem to expire..But I'll settle for the two drawings^^ Good luck my friend I hope everyone enters.. :)
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
As fun as this sounds, I might have to pass haha. I don't really remember which character I had a crush on or if it was even the first. Been watching anime since I was a tiny tiny brat and my memory is pretty bad so I'm not sure lol.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/12/15 | Reply
Lol, today I heard that song while I was at the dentist's.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/05/15 | Reply
Wow! Thank you! ^^
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 08/02/15 | Reply
You can enter as many drawings as you want and it can be the same person every time or a different person. It's up to you (:
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/02/15 | Reply
Can I ask? I'm confused a little. Mmm, if I draw one character and if I want to enter 2 entries, is he the same I draw? I mean two entries but only one character? Please response. Thank you!

King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/01/15 | Reply
I hope so too~!
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 08/01/15 | Reply
haha good!! I Hope you find the time too
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/31/15 | Reply
Ahahaha omg this sounds interesting and I would loooove to join! :P
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/31/15 | Reply
lol that's true, it cracks me up thinking about it, but I look forward to seeing the entries! XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/31/15 | Reply
It is very interesting. I hope there is a lot of variety though. A majority of them are very likely to be bishounen/bishojo for sure ;)
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 07/31/15 | Reply
haha I promise I wont laugh!! I hope you do enter!
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 07/31/15 | Reply
I hope you do!! Its a very fun challenge (:
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 07/31/15 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Thanks so much!! It was really fun and I'm glad I thought of it! (: It's always fun to see who the first anime crush was! Thats what's exciting, the embarrassment of some of it
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/31/15 | Reply
Ok I might enter this but promise me you won't laugh >.< the one I remember to super out of character for me
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/31/15 | Reply
Well If the first place winner already have a premuim you can just pass it over to the second place winner to be fair^^
Thank you my friend I'll try my best when I enter..65% chance :)
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
Take your time I gave everyone two months ^^ so no worries. I'm glad that you are interested in it and yes you may have as many crushes as you want in one pic! There is no limit (:
As far as the song goes it's just something silly I was singing to myself *It must have been love but it's over now* those are the lyrics so you could use a someone you thought you liked but once you saw how their character developed you changed your mind ^^
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
(: I try to make it fun and with a really fun first place I hope a lot will enter although it gets difficult to chose a winner! There are so many great entries everytime ^^ I guess the first place winner could pass on the membership to someone of their picking if they win ^^ I never thought of that. Well good luck if you enter!
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
lol thanks for taking the time to look at it though ^^ I know it's asking a lot but I think it's great to see everyone's anime crushes ha ha (:
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
Hmm good question yes of course I will allow videogames in that as well (I:
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
of course!! Just the use the first one that comes to mind (:
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
wow, this sounds fun. i want to try it
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
oh gosh this challenge is just perf!!! XD I'm so embarrassed thinking about my first anime crush, but it'll be fun to draw if I can do enter!
awesome idea Nikki!!! XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
oh.. and btw...can it be only one crush in the picture?
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
this sounds interesting and fun! im definetaly in! but it will take a while cuz i still have like 4 days of work and then ill have 2 days on trying to draw something for this challenge :)
btw.. i didnt get one part (my english is not that good)
''Or to spice it up the first one you had and then tossed aside hence the song ^^ (it must have been love but it's over noooooooow)''
please explain ^^
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
Wow first place sounds pretty awesome I'm sure alot of people will enter trying to get first place..I might enter this one..^^ Since I'm already a premuim member for years :/ doesn't seem to expire..But I'll settle for the two drawings^^ Good luck my friend I hope everyone enters.. :)
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
As fun as this sounds, I might have to pass haha. I don't really remember which character I had a crush on or if it was even the first. Been watching anime since I was a tiny tiny brat and my memory is pretty bad so I'm not sure lol.
Hopefully a lot of people join and have fun :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
Also, can it be from a video-game series? I just saw it say "anime/manga" so I was wondering if that was a powerful restriction.
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
Oh dear if I can't remember the exact first one can I use one I still remember? It's been so long lol
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
Yea that's fine, the lined paper kind of distracts me.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
Well, since I can't used lined paper, can I use Parchment paper?
~Nikkeh~ (Grand Otaku) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
haha oh i'm so ready!I hope you do get to enter. I had some crazy first anime crushes myself which is why I thought of this challenge
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/30/15 | Reply
If I get around to entering, prepare to laugh your head off when you see the entry.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!