*raises hand* can I still use brushes from Aethereality? I don't think it exists anymore... I do try and link back to things as credit but can't with those.
Definitely going to join this challenge if I can find the time though :D
Tagging is something that allows people to find work easily. Say, I wanted to find Naruto fan art. I plug 'Naruto' in the search bar, and it'll tell me how many pieces have been tagged with 'Naruto' and then allow you to sift through it! I require tagging to allow people to search for specific artists and characters and such.
When I say "beware of zerochan", it's because it's full of fan art. Fan art is wonderful, but you are not allowed to use it here for eCards or wallpapers without specific permission from the artist. Minitokyo is another website to use for graphics, but it's "fan art" and "scan" category are completely separate. Less likely to get them mixed up and prevents art theft!
PG/PG-13 rating is just to adhere to the website, no naked people or excessive gore or swearing! That's all that really means!
And the two entries means that you can enter two different pieces for my contest, though lots of challenges offer unlimited entries or may restrict it to only one! It really depends on who's making the challenge or what they're going for.
I think I covered everything! If not, you can PM me!
Credit means, like the phrase "give credit where credit is due". I know that most people here use a myriad of textures and scans and brushes to make their creations, and they themselves did not create the textures, scanlate the scans, or conjure up the brushes. So links are required to give credit to the other people who are unknowingly helping you along your way as is the instructions when creating any graphic on this website.
Barton (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/16 | Reply
Yay! I'm glad ya like the card! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/05/15 | Reply
I still use brushes from aethereality, so I'm going to allow it. I mean, those brushes are gorgeous, how can one resist?
Also, I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I think celestial-star might actually be aethereality. There's some very familiar brush packs there!
I hope to see an entry from you!
xoxo, Momma Love
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/05/15 | Reply
*raises hand* can I still use brushes from Aethereality? I don't think it exists anymore... I do try and link back to things as credit but can't with those.
Definitely going to join this challenge if I can find the time though :D
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/31/15 | Reply
Oh ok! thanks again for explaining

if ever I have some other questions I'll just PM you
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/31/15 | Reply
Not a problem!
Tagging is something that allows people to find work easily. Say, I wanted to find Naruto fan art. I plug 'Naruto' in the search bar, and it'll tell me how many pieces have been tagged with 'Naruto' and then allow you to sift through it! I require tagging to allow people to search for specific artists and characters and such.
When I say "beware of zerochan", it's because it's full of fan art. Fan art is wonderful, but you are not allowed to use it here for eCards or wallpapers without specific permission from the artist. Minitokyo is another website to use for graphics, but it's "fan art" and "scan" category are completely separate. Less likely to get them mixed up and prevents art theft!
PG/PG-13 rating is just to adhere to the website, no naked people or excessive gore or swearing! That's all that really means!
And the two entries means that you can enter two different pieces for my contest, though lots of challenges offer unlimited entries or may restrict it to only one! It really depends on who's making the challenge or what they're going for.
I think I covered everything! If not, you can PM me!
xoxo, Momma Love
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/31/15 | Reply
Sorry if I ask so many questions, but...
Would it be okay if you explain all the other rules to me ^^
(sorry if I'm bothering you or something ^_^')
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/31/15 | Reply
OH! I see... ahah thanks for explaining ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/31/15 | Reply
(If you're kidding then I apologise for this)
Credit means, like the phrase "give credit where credit is due". I know that most people here use a myriad of textures and scans and brushes to make their creations, and they themselves did not create the textures, scanlate the scans, or conjure up the brushes. So links are required to give credit to the other people who are unknowingly helping you along your way as is the instructions when creating any graphic on this website.
Example for crediting (any of my pieces, really).
Hope that clears it up!
xoxo, Momma Love
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/31/15 | Reply
wait... what credit?
I'm sorry, I'm confused by the rules =_='
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/30/15 | Reply
Someone gets it ;)
xoxo, Momma Love
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/30/15 | Reply
Oh and don't forget! Credit.