You can resize it. into 768 x 1024 at the adobe. Sometime when my size was wrong, if it is big I'm going to copy it make a new one with the size 768 x 1024 and paste it there. Thanks for entering, I hope it helps and good luck.
Oh awesome....but I wish my tablet was still working, i have no experience with creating wallpapers and m laptop touch pad is glitches (like doens't move or moves eratically) :P so kinda stuck already. Good competition though. I would like to try for this, i'll see what I can do
ahaha!! thanx for the invite, my friend... I'll do my best for you
btw, how are you now? really, I'm so surprized heard that bad news from you (from your world)... you are fine, right??
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 10/12/09 | Reply
I'd like to try something for this.
With Rule 5 and you say AT LEAST 3 - 6 works only...does that mean I need to do 3 submissions for one to qualify? Or the most one can submit is 3-6? ^^'
Turaisu-chan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/10/09 | Reply
Ah sure, you can put some
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/10/09 | Reply
umm... a question... can I put my OC or anyone else that's not a chara of an anime on the wallpaper??
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/03/09 | Reply
Oh of course we can be friends! The more the merrier!
Turaisu-chan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/03/09 | Reply
YAY!!! Thank you so much!!!
I hope we could be friends
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/02/09 | Reply
I accept your challenge! :D
Turaisu-chan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/28/09 | Reply
That means you have to try again. 768 x 1024 is not accepted size for wallpaper. Its ok, I also have thatproblem before.
Thanks for your hard work, and effort.
By the way, I subscribe you already
Turaisu-chan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/28/09 | Reply
You can resize it. into 768 x 1024 at the adobe. Sometime when my size was wrong, if it is big I'm going to copy it make a new one with the size 768 x 1024 and paste it there
. Thanks for entering, I hope it helps and good luck
I hope we could be friends
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/19/09 | Reply
Oh well, you didn't have to change all of it, but now, I get to play with a team I've been wanting to make a wallpaper for. Hope you like it.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/19/09 | Reply
seems like my wallie don`t fits here :P
Turaisu-chan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/13/09 | Reply
It's up to you
Turaisu-chan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/13/09 | Reply
Sorry for the rule
. You can pass one wallpaper if you want. I'll just edit it
. Thanks
Turaisu-chan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/13/09 | Reply
You can pass one or two, Its ok. Thanks for entering. Good Luck
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/13/09 | Reply
aw man, what should I make? damn the timing of this when my final exam is drawing near..... =3=
*konata face*
and maybe I hafta stay outta this one, i gotta study. Sorry......
Last edited by LaviStrikesBack09 at 1:52:40 AM EDT on October 13, 2009.
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/12/09 | Reply
Okey Dokie! Can I use Vocaloids?
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/09 | Reply
I was wondering about the limit, too, but I'll be glad to help, Tracy. Also, I have a lot of time for this one. Have a fabulous week!
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/12/09 | Reply
nice idea!!

maybe i'll try in, than i will give my best!
Rei Fukia
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/12/09 | Reply
Oh awesome....but I wish my tablet was still working, i have no experience with creating wallpapers and m laptop touch pad is glitches (like doens't move or moves eratically) :P so kinda stuck already. Good competition though. I would like to try for this, i'll see what I can do
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/12/09 | Reply
ahaha!! thanx for the invite, my friend... I'll do my best for you
btw, how are you now? really, I'm so surprized heard that bad news from you (from your world)... you are fine, right??
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 10/12/09 | Reply
I'd like to try something for this.
With Rule 5 and you say AT LEAST 3 - 6 works only...does that mean I need to do 3 submissions for one to qualify? Or the most one can submit is 3-6? ^^'