Lucky me, my favorite pokemon is within the first 150. Do we only draw the one pokemon or are we allowed to draw a few different species? Also, is it okay if someone else has drawn the pokemon?
^_^ What a nice idea for a contest! The original 150,.. brings back some nice memories, hehee...
Hmm... I think I foresaw this contest! XD I painted an Evee last year, but forgot all about it. It's finished now, can I upload it for this contest? The date is written on the painting, and it says: '2 March 2008'. ^o^' But I've never uploaded it on the net before (nor has anyone but my brother seen it).
Can i enter too? I've been playing pokemon platnium lately and have been wanting to draw sum. (I have one of those old posters with all the original pokemon on it)
Either that or Vileplume. Most of my favorites are in gen 2, so I have to find something that I'll draw well. Pokemon is part of my schedule anyway, so you can expect something from me
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/11/09 | Reply
I wanna and gonna enter this challenge
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Are Cubone and Marowak in the 150?
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
Yes, more than one entry is permitted.
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
Are we allowed to submit more than one?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
Cool! I want to submit another one! Is that okay?
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/29/09 | Reply
I am not sure about theOtaku's rules regarding that, but if they do allow you to submit more than one, I'd be pleased to have another entry from you.
Kawaii Princiess (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/29/09 | Reply
can we enter multiple times?
Sage of Magic
Moe Foxgirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/28/09 | Reply
Jolteon, yeah. It's my favorite so that's why I asked if I can draw it even though someone else did. ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/28/09 | Reply
@Sage of Magic:
Someone else entered the same pokemon? Sure that is fine.
Multiple Pokemon in one picture is also acceptable.
I'm looking forward to seeing more entries. ^_^
Sage of Magic
Moe Foxgirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/28/09 | Reply
Lucky me, my favorite pokemon is within the first 150. Do we only draw the one pokemon or are we allowed to draw a few different species? Also, is it okay if someone else has drawn the pokemon?
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/28/09 | Reply
Oh the first 150? :D awesome. I have an idea.....
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/23/09 | Reply
Awsome!!!! Count me in!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/22/09 | Reply
Allrighto ^_^ I'll upload my entry, and thnx!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/21/09 | Reply
I don't have a problem with it.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/21/09 | Reply
^_^ What a nice idea for a contest! The original 150,.. brings back some nice memories, hehee...
Hmm... I think I foresaw this contest! XD I painted an Evee last year, but forgot all about it. It's finished now, can I upload it for this contest? The date is written on the painting, and it says: '2 March 2008'. ^o^' But I've never uploaded it on the net before (nor has anyone but my brother seen it).
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/17/09 | Reply
Vaporeon is definitely in the original 150.
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/16/09 | Reply
Gaahhh! What number is Vaporeon?! I want to draw her/him, (?), sooo bad!
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/08/09 | Reply
So all you have to do is draw any of the 150 Pokemon? It doesn't matter what it is? Oh I am so in!! I will draw my favorite than :D
Otakuite | Posted 04/07/09 | Reply
Man, I use to love pokemon. I have since then ended my addiction, but I think I will do this contest anyway.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/07/09 | Reply
Anyone can enter, no permission needed.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/07/09 | Reply
151 is Mew.
Mewtwo is 150. ^-^
How backwards
Last edited by VenusGuyTrap at 10:33:01 AM EDT on April 7, 2009.
Love Breaks
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/07/09 | Reply
Can i enter too? I've been playing pokemon platnium lately and have been wanting to draw sum. (I have one of those old posters with all the original pokemon on it)
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/05/09 | Reply
Ditto ditto ditto! Wait... is Mew included in the 150? Mew isn't right? It's like 151 or 152 right?
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
SWEET I love the original 150! You can expect something from me!
Mizu Torrent
Otakuite | Posted 03/30/09 | Reply
First 150....might draw Fearow and Persian...
Either that or Vileplume. Most of my favorites are in gen 2, so I have to find something that I'll draw well. Pokemon is part of my schedule anyway, so you can expect something from me
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/29/09 | Reply
Oh, okay ^^
Dovahkiin (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/29/09 | Reply
i think i might try. I still have to think about what i'm going to do first but i'll tell you when i'm sure about it.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/29/09 | Reply
Though I do enjoy those pics, that is not the prompt.
If you draw a person dressed up, include a pokemon (a wild pokemon, or a pokemon belonging to the trainer).
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/29/09 | Reply
Are we allowed to draw people dressed up as pokemon? =D
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/29/09 | Reply
Right on!
Try to capture the personality of the pokemon, or show them doing something they would normally do.