This seems really interesting.. Hmm, perhaps I'll join, and get my friend to join as well
I'll try to colour it as best as I can, but my tablet is broken, so I can't do it digitally, so it'll be really bad, but since this doesn't end till March, I still have a chance of getting a new tablet before it ends.
Cool! The background can be as simple as just a solid color if you want. When a pic doesn't have a bg, it feels 'empty' know what i mean? and youre welcome for the invite!
Last edited by miableachgirl at 9:42:20 PM EST on January 5, 2010.
This is definitely interesting. I've been wanting to draw a picture for BLACKā ROCK SHOOTER for a while *A*
OTL does the background have to be detailed?
thanks for the invitation <333//
I'll get to telling people about this right away.
Last edited by DixieWings at 4:53:05 PM EST on January 5, 2010.
You can write which ever you want. I usually just put my initials b/c i don't want anyone to know my full name. So they don't hunt me down. I already had 2 people message me asking me what I look like and my address. Scary stuff!
Anyway, in terms of contestants signing their names on their fan art entries, does each contestant have to write only his/her username, or can he/she use his/her real name?
Daydreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/05/10 | Reply
omg, sorry! I forgot the deadline ;-;
*just remembered when deleting old PMs today*
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
Yeah, that's fine! I hope you do join!
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
Is it okay if I notify my little sister?
'cause I know no other peopel on here :P
(she's on the o also, just so you know it)
I might join ^^
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/07/10 | Reply
@haseo luver92:
Oooh! Hopefully you DO join! I will be very happy
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/07/10 | Reply
Yampai! Yeah, get your friend to join as well! I feel sorry that your tablet is broken. Hope you get a new one! I can't wait!
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/07/10 | Reply
*looks at my avitar and wallpaper for my world* HMMMMMMMM....I think I will enter this contest, I'm a huge fan ^^.
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/07/10 | Reply
This seems really interesting.. Hmm, perhaps I'll join, and get my friend to join as well
I'll try to colour it as best as I can, but my tablet is broken, so I can't do it digitally, so it'll be really bad, but since this doesn't end till March, I still have a chance of getting a new tablet before it ends.
Good luck everyone!
Otakuite | Posted 01/06/10 | Reply
I have submitted my entry.....OwO....
do you like it?! >.<
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/06/10 | Reply
Oh, super! I'll be looking forward!
Otakuite | Posted 01/06/10 | Reply
i will give it a try
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/10 | Reply
Cool! The background can be as simple as just a solid color if you want. When a pic doesn't have a bg, it feels 'empty' know what i mean? and youre welcome for the invite!
Last edited by miableachgirl at 9:42:20 PM EST on January 5, 2010.
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/10 | Reply
Awesooome! Can't waaaait!
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/10 | Reply
Cool! Good luck!
Daydreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/10 | Reply
This is definitely interesting. I've been wanting to draw a picture for BLACKā ROCK SHOOTER for a while *A*
OTL does the background have to be detailed?
thanks for the invitation <333//
I'll get to telling people about this right away.
Last edited by DixieWings at 4:53:05 PM EST on January 5, 2010.
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/05/10 | Reply
whow!! black rock shooter challenge... have a long time I wanted to draw her...
I wanna join
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/05/10 | Reply
SURE! What the hay I'll join!! X3
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/04/10 | Reply
You can write which ever you want. I usually just put my initials b/c i don't want anyone to know my full name. So they don't hunt me down. I already had 2 people message me asking me what I look like and my address. Scary stuff!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/04/10 | Reply
Thx for the response!
Anyway, in terms of contestants signing their names on their fan art entries, does each contestant have to write only his/her username, or can he/she use his/her real name?
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/04/10 | Reply
Oh yeah! You can draw and color it however you want! I forgot to mention that. Sorry! XD
Last edited by miableachgirl at 8:25:28 PM EST on January 4, 2010.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/04/10 | Reply
Does this contest accept drawings that's done on paper before being colored on a computer program like photoshop?
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/04/10 | Reply
That's ok! You can still join if ya wanna!
Coffee Connoisseur (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/04/10 | Reply
Baw I don't have any friends to tell...Instant loss x.D