DUDE! I'm so happy that they've agreed to another season! I mean after this if they have a worthy ending, I'll be fine with the final season, but I AM SO HAPPY!!!
Yah, I know what you mean. I think it all started after Manners died. You could see it getting shaky. I'm worried, too. They're slowly coming around as far as the angst goes. At least none of the characters areopenly suicidal now. Sam getting back to cute, sentimental Sam (no more evil hair), Dean is back to the "GED and give-em-heck attitude", I'm hoping it will end with the same feel it began with. But, yah, it does feel like it's been a bit bumbling. (I love how they actually named an episode "Jumping the Shark"). But, yah. No matter what, I'm gonna be watchin'. And most likely buying. ^^'
It's nice to see there are other fans out there who want what's best for the show and not fan-service. Can't wait for your entry.
I agree with you, the first 2 seasons were great, the 3rd season still kinda good, the 4th season was....ok, but the 5th season is starting to get on my nerves. I was all excited that they were finally gonna end it (still hoping for a spectacular ending). I don't want them to drag it on for another whole season if there just gonna fanservice stupid fans who just picked up on the show and just want more angst. I just feel like their bumbling there way through the story line lately, not sure which direction to take, making due with all the cliche turn of events; if the writers don't know what there doing, then how can the shows turn out good!
Though I am highly against the idea of a 6th season, I will still enter your contest, cuz I LUV the show XD And theres no doubt that if the 6th seasons comes into being, I will be sitting right there, on my living room coach, each week, watching it XD
Exactly! That's why I said mourning/celebrating. I love the show, but I don't want it to run itself dry. And I really hope they don't change the original 5th season finale to better bridge over to another season. I wanna see the real ending. I heard Kripke was staying on as an exec producer or something, just not a director anymore. I might be wrong, but definately should not go anywhere without him. They said that while they weren't planning on a sixth season they did leave the option open, as in they do have a workable storyline. The first two seasons are my favorite so my fingers are also crossed.x>_<x Can't wait to see your entry!
I admit, I am a Supernatural freak, but season six, really? I thought they'd end with season five as Eric Kripke, the creator, intended. I've enjoyed the fifth season, but i kind of want it to end and stay that way. I fear that its being overplayed just becuase of ratings. I'm not sure how i feel about a sixth season, especially since Kripke is leaving the project...of course i'll watch it though :) I just hate to see a good show being milked dry and losing all its originality. To honor the awesomness of all that is Supernatural, and in desperate hope that the sixth season is as good as the first (fingers crossed ecspecially tight, I'll be happy if you allow me to enter this contest :P
Great! Thanks. And if you want to catch up, I'm pretty sure the latest episodes are on the CW site. That's what we had to do when our satelite cut out during last season finale. XD
WOOHOO! The Winchester Brothers rule! I just bought the seasons on dvd and am watching the season 5 episodes now. (I'm such a loser.) But I'll try my best!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/05/10 | Reply
DUDE! I'm so happy that they've agreed to another season! I mean after this if they have a worthy ending, I'll be fine with the final season, but I AM SO HAPPY!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/19/10 | Reply
@The Eighth Sin:
Gettin' all southern on me, eh? Well, dang ol' bring it.
The Eighth Sin
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/19/10 | Reply
How dare you challenge me? This, ma'am, is a dual!
I'll seriously see if I can manage something.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/18/10 | Reply
Yah, I know what you mean. I think it all started after Manners died. You could see it getting shaky. I'm worried, too. They're slowly coming around as far as the angst goes. At least none of the characters areopenly suicidal now. Sam getting back to cute, sentimental Sam (no more evil hair), Dean is back to the "GED and give-em-heck attitude", I'm hoping it will end with the same feel it began with. But, yah, it does feel like it's been a bit bumbling. (I love how they actually named an episode "Jumping the Shark"). But, yah. No matter what, I'm gonna be watchin'. And most likely buying. ^^'
It's nice to see there are other fans out there who want what's best for the show and not fan-service. Can't wait for your entry.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/17/10 | Reply
I agree with you, the first 2 seasons were great, the 3rd season still kinda good, the 4th season was....ok, but the 5th season is starting to get on my nerves. I was all excited that they were finally gonna end it (still hoping for a spectacular ending). I don't want them to drag it on for another whole season if there just gonna fanservice stupid fans who just picked up on the show and just want more angst. I just feel like their bumbling there way through the story line lately, not sure which direction to take, making due with all the cliche turn of events; if the writers don't know what there doing, then how can the shows turn out good!
Though I am highly against the idea of a 6th season, I will still enter your contest, cuz I LUV the show XD And theres no doubt that if the 6th seasons comes into being, I will be sitting right there, on my living room coach, each week, watching it XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/16/10 | Reply
Exactly! That's why I said mourning/celebrating. I love the show, but I don't want it to run itself dry. And I really hope they don't change the original 5th season finale to better bridge over to another season. I wanna see the real ending. I heard Kripke was staying on as an exec producer or something, just not a director anymore. I might be wrong, but definately should not go anywhere without him. They said that while they weren't planning on a sixth season they did leave the option open, as in they do have a workable storyline. The first two seasons are my favorite so my fingers are also crossed.x>_<x Can't wait to see your entry!
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/16/10 | Reply
I admit, I am a Supernatural freak, but season six, really? I thought they'd end with season five as Eric Kripke, the creator, intended. I've enjoyed the fifth season, but i kind of want it to end and stay that way. I fear that its being overplayed just becuase of ratings. I'm not sure how i feel about a sixth season, especially since Kripke is leaving the project...of course i'll watch it though :) I just hate to see a good show being milked dry and losing all its originality. To honor the awesomness of all that is Supernatural, and in desperate hope that the sixth season is as good as the first (fingers crossed ecspecially tight, I'll be happy if you allow me to enter this contest :P
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/16/10 | Reply
I know! There are Samgirls and Deangirls. I'm an Impalagirl. X3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/16/10 | Reply
@Mocha chan:
Awesome. I own every season on DVD. ^^' Bought on each release date too.XD Can't wait for your enrty. X3
Last edited by I,myself at 3:21:59 PM EDT on April 16, 2010.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/16/10 | Reply
Great! Thanks.
And if you want to catch up, I'm pretty sure the latest episodes are on the CW site. That's what we had to do when our satelite cut out during last season finale. XD
Ser Pounce a Lot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/16/10 | Reply
"Winchester, yes ma'am just like the gun" XDDDD
I love Dean in this show(I love the car most :P). Count me in XDD
I may not be smart enough to do anything, but I am dumb enough to try anything. ;p
Mocha chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/15/10 | Reply
WOOHOO! The Winchester Brothers rule! I just bought the seasons on dvd and am watching the season 5 episodes now. (I'm such a loser.) But I'll try my best!
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/15/10 | Reply
ZOMG!!!!!!! I'm sooooooo entering this.... I love drawing SUPERNATURAL pics. Sam and Dean are awesome!!!!!!