Driffter Toilet Art

Okay, so seeing as this is my first challenge, I wanted to try something fun, maybe even a little bizarre.
Now, in this challenege I want everyone to take some toilet paper and draw on it. No, I'm not crazy, and yes I am completely serious. Trust me, it's loads of fun!
I saw nHeira's toilet paper art challenge over on dA, and it looked like a blast so I wanted to introduce it here.
The rules are: take some toilet paper and draw anything you want on it. Nothing too graphic, I don't want any violations of TheOtaku's submission rules.
There are unlimited entries, too.
And if you are at all in doubt as to my sanity or to how you'll do something as strange as draw on toilet paper, then here: Pretty References Doing Lovely Dances Around The Bathroom Floor.
Any other questions you have, just ask me. ;D
Okay, I'm giving you a month sooooo go out there and create some wacky art.

Okay! first place winner gets a fully colored drawing of whatever they want(as long as it isn't an animal. . .)
Second place winners get a black and white drawing(when I mean black and white I mean it's fully colored in black and white, not just a lineart). No animals, please. >A<
Third Place gets a lineart of whatever they'd like me to draw.
So, winners, just PM me with the info(pics would be appreciated!) and I'll get to work. :D
It may take a little while to get your prizes, but they will come! >w< *::*is really busy with work*::* I'll try to get them all done by the end of this year, 'kay?

1 member Favoritefavorite
Crossover Anime and Manga
6 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Toliet Paper Girl ~FalseDelusion
toilet paper drawing ~15385bic
toilette papier ~SnowP
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