yeah, he didnt even compliment on your drawing..what a cheese. XD;
Man, what an awsome piece!! Its one of my favorites from you! *gasp* i really wonder where the inpsiration for this one came from, your originality shines through in this one, it really does. ^_^ Your really really improving in so many drawing aspects! not only your color and rending abilities but your figures and anatomy as well, the hands are a bit big but thats part of your style there, i think, also, how the dress is falling around her thigh and flowing down looks really realistic, and her face! so cute. ;3 the angel wings rock, really! you far from Faileeed! :O could you pleaase pretty please scan some more of your sketchbook in? originals? ;333 i honestly SUCK them like a vampire, there wonderful linds! keep it up!
Love the piece, clearly displays your background as an artist with the amount of detail you placed in the shading and color!
One of my favorite parts of original anime is seeing what people can make without the help of a show or already existing character and it always leads me to wonder, what inspired the piece?
If you get some time, I'd love to hear what brought about this sketch.^_^
nice pic, if u have the time i would like for u to come to my website
we are creating our own anime and are in the begining stages of episode one, all character concepts are done but it would be nice to have more artists to lessen the work load on all of us,guests arent allowed to see the full site for security reasons, it is a simple forum chatsite so register and post an intro and if u are willing to help i will change u into staff who have access to every page, we comunicate on a cbox uptop, there is a refresh button at the lower right of it u need to press to follow a conversation, also we talk individualy through MSN instant messager, if you couls swing by i would greatly apreciate it
Chaos Eidolon
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/30/06 | Reply
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/23/06 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/21/06 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 03/21/06 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/21/06 | Reply