I'm very truly sorry for not being able to comment earler!! Hope you can forgive me! ^^;;
Anywho, I must say that this is definitely one of your best pics so far!
Things to work on? I think you shouls work on the eyes. they look too cross-eyed in my opinion. In an intense battle like this, it should be a suspenseful type of scene. The crossed eyes sort of takes some of the feeling away.
But everything else looks really good! Loves it alot! b^_^d
Hey, guess what! I'm finally commenting on your pic! ^_~ Gomen for taking so long!
First off, I must say you did an excelent job on the shading and clothing. everything has just the right look that I can guess what colors things would be if it were indeed in color. Kudos for that, because it's a hard effect to get. Not to mention your tears and stains are right on the mark, as always.
Things to fix? Hmm, well as EAMR said, he does look a little cross-eyed. It kinda takes away from the dramatic look of his mouth and the cuts on his face. Also, his ear is a little high up. I've noticed that you tend to do that with your pics a lot. Remember that the top of the ear is always level with the bottom of the eye.
Hmm, one last thing. While his legs look really good, you might want to increase the distance between the waist and the knees. All of the details are acurate, just too close together.
Overall, a good job, though. Congrats! ^_^
Wow, Logan-kun! This is fantastic! I know on my site you asked me to do a "brutal" critique but I'm going to have a hard time seeing something wrong with it!
So I'll start with what I like^_~
YAY! You did wrinkles in the clothing and they turned out great. Especially along the rips and the tie keeps catching my eye as well.
The hands on this piece have sky-rocketed! They look great! The hands are a little off on Jesus though. It goes along with what I have talked to you about with the palm and the wrist connecting and such. Like with Jesus's left arm, it should be a lot slender where the wrist connects the the hand. If you look at your own arm, you see it's thin and then bulges a little as it goes towards the elbow.
I really like this zombie's expression too. He looks like he just finished a big battle, turned to his team mates screaming, "WTF was that?!" Something that I've notices with many of your pieces is that your people tend to look cross eyed. I'd work on making sure the eyes are looking in the same direction. When drawing eyes, they do point in the same direction so it's just a matter of matching them up when you actually draw it.
Now that you're getting good with your characters you know what's next...BACKGROUNDS! Heehee! Backgrounds can really add that little extra flavor into the piece even if it's just random shadows and highlights. It's all about creating the right atmosphere to create the overall mood. Kinda like how you always comment on the background of my Immortal Rain drawing. There was nothing to that background but shades of red and deep browns but it makes you think that something disturbing is about to happen.
Overall though, Logan. This is definitely your best and you should be proud of this drawing^^
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/30/06 | Reply
Great work! You improve with every
picture ^_^ The shading is especially good in this one. The face expression and all of the details in his clothes are very impressive. Altogether a very powerful piece.
Kayne Archeron
Otakuite | Posted 05/10/06 | Reply
Vankala 86
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/26/06 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/11/06 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/02/06 | Reply
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/30/06 | Reply