Don't even mention the lines. I HATE THEM SO MUCH. I only took them out in parts like the skin and flowers where it was really obvious.
Thanks, Miss 67%Girlie for the comment! XDD
GORJUICE@@!! and I'm the fortunately privliged first poster!!! : ) I always give the best comments though and you know it PAL, CHIEFTAN.
Hey they still look like trillums to me! : D what a pretty picture!! the green and yellow and orange all flow so nicely togethor, just the right amount of saturation to make me feel warm and fuzzy. : 3333
didn't it originally have yellow lines running through it like..on notebook paper? I'd imagine that would be hard to edit out. ;o
LIKE OHMYGOSH!! I remember encouraging you to get a cool signature and you must've taken up the challenge! : O It's so creative and cute and it fits you and your personality!! ; 3 I just sign my name. *sniff* *flushes originality down the toylet*
loving the CURLY Q plants! : D those are always so cute. did a good job with the leaves too! altho if I were to be a nitpicky punk I might say some of the white could've been left on the leaves to add some sheen to them, but they're plenty distinguished enough. *nod*
your art screams cute and girly! but heck I'm not ashamed to say I like the cute and girly yay! : D bethideth, I am more feminine than you are eh? *limp wrists*
*spits jamba juice out* thatS SO NOT ME I SWER : O
BUT, in conclusion another wondufa linds piece, if you were trying to make me feel happy or giving by looking at it, you thucseeded. : )
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/06 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/14/06 | Reply
Chaos Eidolon
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/14/06 | Reply