Omg! Like Lolly said, those Kyo fangirls over there can be so freakin' scary!! And amusing...I like to see their stupidity xDD Sorry girls, but you know it's true!
Awww, this pic is so sweet! I love it! Your (I'm guessing it's you...) eyes are so pretty! I just love your whole expression ^--^ And the hair is wonderful! You did an amazing job! And hearing you did it in only 10 makes it even more amazing! =D
What?! It took you ten minutes to draw this? Man, I wish I was that speedy. It would have taken me hours to draw something like that. Pathetic, I know, but I can't move any faster! *Cries* Even when I'm sketching, I hate making mistakes, so it takes forever for me to draw anything. As you can imagine, I will quickly become fed-up with it, and shove it off to the side with everything else that needs to be done... I hate me.T_T
Anyway, you did a great job on this! I love how you've done their hair, and their face. *Smiles* And those fangirls better not say anything, because you're right; Kyou doesn't belong to anyone. Well, except for the ones that created him... but other than them, nobody can have him! HAHAHAHA! Ahem. Sorry, just stating a fact. *Grins* I love Kyou, but my love for him is one that I'd have for a pet cat. Besides, I really want him and Tohru to get together. NOT in a perverted way, but a boyfriend and girlfriend way.^_^
Well done on the drawing again! Bye for now.^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/21/06 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/15/06 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/15/06 | Reply
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/14/06 | Reply