omega was created to defeat sonic, then he was told to destroy the trator gama. omega is a walking arsenal, slow, but powerfull, he is an ultimate wepon. omega is a arsenal, but omega is an assasin. knowing he had no chance, gama surendered, but clamed he could not be fully destroyed. befor omega blasted him into next week, gama made SURE he shwed up in the sequal, sending the data line containing his soul( he had gained it pondering lifes misteries.)to omega. omaga then regreted destroying gama, built him a grave, and then, folowing gamas destiny, joind G.U.N. where it was later discovered that half his wieght was in amo. THATSATONOFAMO!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!1!!!!!! lolotf
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/21/09 | Reply
omega was created to defeat sonic, then he was told to destroy the trator gama. omega is a walking arsenal, slow, but powerfull, he is an ultimate wepon. omega is a arsenal, but omega is an assasin. knowing he had no chance, gama surendered, but clamed he could not be fully destroyed. befor omega blasted him into next week, gama made SURE he shwed up in the sequal, sending the data line containing his soul( he had gained it pondering lifes misteries.)to omega. omaga then regreted destroying gama, built him a grave, and then, folowing gamas destiny, joind G.U.N. where it was later discovered that half his wieght was in amo. THATSATONOFAMO!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!1!!!!!! lolotf