They are 100% crayola. They're like 7 years old too! I haven't drawn in forever, so all my supplies are ancient. And the weird part! When I started to color her hair, the yellow actually began to turn orange as it dried. I need new supplies.
You did a great job on the coloring of this picture too. You said you used markers? They mustn't be crayola markers cause this is a nice job. I suck with markers, lol. You did a nice job with everything ^-^ I'm gonna vote for her ^-^
Thanks! I did use a referance picture. I'm too new at this to do it all on my own. I did change it a little. I finished a colored pencil version of this that I adore. It's so much better, but my scanner washed the whole thing out. You can't see half the picture, let alone the little details in color.
I'm not sure what to do about it. My scanner won't work with colored pencil, and that's what I want to use. If anyone has tips I'd appreciate it.
Thanks again for the compliment!
Hot Cocoa
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/17/07 | Reply
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/15/07 | Reply
Sailor Usagi Chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/15/07 | Reply
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/10/07 | Reply
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/09/07 | Reply