There's no way this could be considered losing your touch! If you remember my naruto-kun drawing that took me 3 hours and compare it to peach, you would laugh and say,"Why did I think my drawing was bad?"
What's this about cherryshock? owo
You should be quite about that, unless you want her coming here DX and attacking you neway for talking about her.
this is really cute, PEACH' is overused, thats all i gotta say.
keep it, if you want i don't care. its a suggestion.
shes a fox huh?
Foxes, Cats, Bears and Bunnies DX overused.
shes cute, the only thing werid is her waist owo, and you forgot the lines that goes with mews outfits ;D!
I hope you color this soon.
if you take whatever i said out of contex, to bad for you cause i said nothing offensive.
Kokkoii-Matokus number one rule: Never give up
live it, learn it, love it
Otakuite | Posted 07/18/07 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/16/07 | Reply