Go to WIKI.
Myu-chan~ ^^
Find fruits that isn't OVERPOWERDLY OVERUSED.
One that hasn't been used at all.
THEN again.
Anything EDIBLE.
Would work.
Yeah that's all the advice i can give you~ is to go to Wikipedia and look up edible stuff, that matches her colors~
Green apples taken, plus it corrsponds to much to "Ringo" From the TMM game. ^-^
You are improving tons so dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
Work on her hands a little~
And ;3 some how to draw for the bodies~ your bodies aren't bad at all~
You kinda poffed her shoulders into hyperspace~
Kokkoii-Matokus number one rule: Never Give Up
Live it, Learn it, Love it
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/27/07 | Reply
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/27/07 | Reply