wow, cool drawing! im not normally one for OCs(this is an OC right?) but in fact i usually loathe them, but this is certainly one of those exceptions. i think you have a good design concept here with the clothing. and the colors are splendid. very good reds. the blending is nice. the hair has that well blended look that i like(if not done right it looks plain gross). and the proportions of the face are reasonable and beautiful. this character's eyes compliment nicely. the pointed ears are also a nice touch. and he's got that 'yeah im sexy' look about him. i love the hat too, it's cool.
if you ask me, i think this is a very nice original guy and could be a good manga character. seriously, if you were serious about it, this is a great character to put in a story. as long as you can draw the rest of the body of course. and also have a storyline that DOESN'T suck(like most fanfics i find). plus it shouldn't become so ridiculous that people lose interest in it like most shonen(aka naruto, yuyu hakusho, and bleach) wherein the characters just become way too strong to even be believable anymore even within the story's own parameters of accepted logic. and it's not a stupid OC that just rips off of some already existing character. that would be just annoying and not creative in the least. i mean seriously, those types suck. i mean, i seriously saw a naruto OC that looked exactly like naruto in sexy jutsu form with clothes on and the person changed ONE letter in naruto's name to make a "new" name. if you name this character, i hope you don't do something like that cuz it would just ruin it. it would be even more exciting if you made this character the main character, only he'd be evil. it's rare to find a manga in which the 'evil' one is the lead role. well i have been talking too much, but these are just my thoughts personally.
wow hes really cute^^ i love the coloring and the clothing looks awesome1!!!!i love how u did the hair too^^ lol i love it all!!! tehe u did an amazing job on this^^
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/16/08 | Reply
wow, cool drawing! im not normally one for OCs(this is an OC right?) but in fact i usually loathe them, but this is certainly one of those exceptions. i think you have a good design concept here with the clothing. and the colors are splendid. very good reds. the blending is nice. the hair has that well blended look that i like(if not done right it looks plain gross). and the proportions of the face are reasonable and beautiful. this character's eyes compliment nicely. the pointed ears are also a nice touch. and he's got that 'yeah im sexy' look about him. i love the hat too, it's cool.
if you ask me, i think this is a very nice original guy and could be a good manga character. seriously, if you were serious about it, this is a great character to put in a story. as long as you can draw the rest of the body of course. and also have a storyline that DOESN'T suck(like most fanfics i find). plus it shouldn't become so ridiculous that people lose interest in it like most shonen(aka naruto, yuyu hakusho, and bleach) wherein the characters just become way too strong to even be believable anymore even within the story's own parameters of accepted logic. and it's not a stupid OC that just rips off of some already existing character. that would be just annoying and not creative in the least. i mean seriously, those types suck. i mean, i seriously saw a naruto OC that looked exactly like naruto in sexy jutsu form with clothes on and the person changed ONE letter in naruto's name to make a "new" name. if you name this character, i hope you don't do something like that cuz it would just ruin it. it would be even more exciting if you made this character the main character, only he'd be evil. it's rare to find a manga in which the 'evil' one is the lead role. well i have been talking too much, but these are just my thoughts personally.
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/30/07 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/30/07 | Reply