HOLD UP. hold the PHONE.
This isn't Oringinal Anime.
She isn't yours. She's from Candidate for Goddess. her name is Kizna. and she's one of Yukiru Sugisaki's charrie's. so this belongs in. Misc Anime not Oringinal. Plus. if your going to Copy a picture, please say so.
Otherwise, your taking credit for something that isn't yours. this is an offical picture of Kizna. i remeber. Mmhmmm. if it's a mistake, say so but otherwise be careful, and lable stuff.
In other news.
Your coloring is nice, and your inking isn't half bad. your talent isn't shinning because, well this picture is copied, so you can't really shine with a copied pic.
Kokkoii-Matokus number one rule: Never give up
Live it, Learn it, Love it.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/10/07 | Reply