hey pretty good! i like it when ppl draw naruto from teh shippuden cuz he's less of an annoying hyperactive idiot than before and he doesn't laugh in such an annoying way so much. it drives me mad sometimes... he's waay cooler in teh shippuden. no offense to any naruto fans but that's just my opinion don'cha know. XD
u did a great job with his eyes. naruto just isn't the same unless u can capture that determined look of his and so eager to do whatever.
you are pretty good with shading and for the life of me i can never get how to put shadows in hair or give it any sort of realistic look. anyways, u did a great job with his hair now that i mentioned it. for some reason spikey hair is rather difficult or like sasori's hair. longer hair is a bit easier i guess. all in all it's a very nice job and i love it so great job! and also, though this is kinda weird to compliment someone one good job drawing the zipper. despite the fact it's pretty much a rectangle with a smaller rectangle in it, u wouldn't believe what i CAN'T draw. TT______TT
anyways im voting for this. keep it up or else XD ^___^
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/02/08 | Reply