OMG... does it really looks like a rat?? (nuuuu... I don't eat rat T.T)
actually, it was a roasted pork -lol-
you r the second person who said so XD
I guess i need to draw more pork to improve my pork-drawing skill XD
done by Shaker mechanical pencil with PILOT 2B led
How did you make this? It's AWESOOOOOOOOOOME! It kinda looks like me except I'd never eat a rat...Too Cute! It'd be just like me to wish for food! *hug/fave* You rule. I hope to see more art soon!
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/12/08 | Reply
OMG... does it really looks like a rat?? (nuuuu... I don't eat rat T.T)
actually, it was a roasted pork -lol-
you r the second person who said so XD
I guess i need to draw more pork to improve my pork-drawing skill XD
done by Shaker mechanical pencil with PILOT 2B led
thank for the fav /hug X3
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/11/08 | Reply
How did you make this? It's AWESOOOOOOOOOOME! It kinda looks like me except I'd never eat a rat...Too Cute! It'd be just like me to wish for food! *hug/fave* You rule. I hope to see more art soon!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/10/08 | Reply
*amazed beyond words at the awesomeness*
Ami the Eldest
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/10/08 | Reply
This is awesome. :] I love it.