what program did you use? THIS IS SO AWESOME!! Can you PLEASE teach my that coloring and shading system/style please?
Please saiyukiluver-sensei, let's be friends-ne?
Wow, this is simply beautiful! You art is so clear and bright, amazing! =D This is such a cute pic. by the way^^ Haha, I love Roy's expression! XD LOL! This is simply amazing^^ Fantastic job! Keep up the wonderful work!
yay roy and ed! which happens to be the best yaoi pairing in FMA. anyways great job!
what i like is your style and creativity best. while it is amazing whenever you stumble across a total hack that can make their fanart look exactly like arakawa's or some other artist, it's nice to have an original drawing style of your own. and i think you did a nice job capturing their personalities, especially ed's.
great color for ed's hair and eyes, it's so pretty. ed looks cool with his hair let down like that. and nice automail arm too. i could never draw something so complex if i had a million years.
roy is the coolest! and i totally love seeing usagi roy for once. rofl. he looks so hilarious! XD your drawing is the first when somebody's given him usagi ears. it really made my day. ^__^
i also love his hair like that cuz it kinda looks all shiny looking if you know what i mean. and great job with his uniform too. that's the best cuz it's got lots of details on it that i can't get.
all in all, nice bright colors and original drawing. i really love it so please keep it up! i totally wanna see more usagi roy; it's so cute to see him that way. XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
haha Roy got owned by Fullmetal! I love this pic!
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/20/09 | Reply
ed lookes like a chik
Nami Elric
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/06/08 | Reply
Lyrical Mami
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/30/08 | Reply
Awww that's a very cute picture. Very nice coloring
Seto Grl
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/28/08 | Reply
LMAO! I had a simliar idea for my easter pic! Gewd job!

Otakuite+ | Posted 03/27/08 | Reply
What beautiful art! XD Roy iz gettin pwnd by Eddo-They both look so adorkable! I LURVE it---SO GREAT! yr MADE of AWESOMENESS!
Linden Rathan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
wow ths is really good you are a good artist!! ^^ great job! a whole lot better than mine
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
this is sooo kawaii!!!!
Both of them look so kawaii! I luv roy's bunn ears!
Keep drawing cute pictures lyke this!!!

Otaku Legend | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
OMG SO CUTE!!!!! What did you use to color it?! I really wanna know!
Otakuite | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
so cute
and Ed looks so squeaky clean...
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
That is so cute :3
I really like the sharp coloring and shading.
Keep it up!
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
this looks so cute! love both expressions and Roy look sooo funny lol just love this, you did a great work!
Otakuite | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
what program did you use? THIS IS SO AWESOME!! Can you PLEASE teach my that coloring and shading system/style please?
Please saiyukiluver-sensei, let's be friends-ne?
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
Roy's ears are too adorable! X3
And Ed looks like a girl. ^_^
Kensuke Ryumura
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
Kudos on the artwork. Very nice detail.

Otakuite+ | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
Makes me smile and laugh at Roy!!!! XDDDDDDDD Fav!!!
Otakuite | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
awwww so kawaii!!!!!!! i luv it, really nicley coloured to, keep it up.
Otakuite | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
it is very nice,i just seen this picture in other forum....maybe you have the other forum account prehapes,Btw,nice pic.
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
Wow, this is simply beautiful! You art is so clear and bright, amazing! =D This is such a cute pic. by the way^^ Haha, I love Roy's expression! XD LOL! This is simply amazing^^ Fantastic job! Keep up the wonderful work!
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
yay roy and ed! which happens to be the best yaoi pairing in FMA. anyways great job!
what i like is your style and creativity best. while it is amazing whenever you stumble across a total hack that can make their fanart look exactly like arakawa's or some other artist, it's nice to have an original drawing style of your own. and i think you did a nice job capturing their personalities, especially ed's.
great color for ed's hair and eyes, it's so pretty. ed looks cool with his hair let down like that. and nice automail arm too. i could never draw something so complex if i had a million years.
roy is the coolest! and i totally love seeing usagi roy for once. rofl. he looks so hilarious! XD your drawing is the first when somebody's given him usagi ears. it really made my day. ^__^
i also love his hair like that cuz it kinda looks all shiny looking if you know what i mean. and great job with his uniform too. that's the best cuz it's got lots of details on it that i can't get.
all in all, nice bright colors and original drawing. i really love it so please keep it up! i totally wanna see more usagi roy; it's so cute to see him that way. XD
Forever Gone
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
You're amazing,there are no words to describe your talent.