ANIME-CHAN!!! X3 *glomp* I think u did an AMAZING job on this!!!!!!!!! I think you'll get better than me someday!! XD I love how u did the eyes and hair! and the little hair ornament X33333 keep up the good work! uve definately improved!! X3 *hugs fav*
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/14/08 | Reply
Wow this must be my fav of all your pics.Of course I still need to check a bunch of them :3.Great pose and the hand style looks great.
The Skullboy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/21/08 | Reply
yay yur back!!!!!!X3
I've missed you so much and so did everyone else!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/17/08 | Reply
I LOVVVEEE UUUUU!!!! LOL I'm so glad you're back!!!>w< You have improved GREATLY!!!!!!*UBER HUGGLES*
Punzianna (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/08 | Reply
Our precious precious hikari-san is back!
*huggles to death*
This is so cute!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/01/08 | Reply
ANIME-CHAN!!! X3 *glomp* I think u did an AMAZING job on this!!!!!!!!! I think you'll get better than me someday!! XD I love how u did the eyes and hair! and the little hair ornament X33333 keep up the good work! uve definately improved!! X3 *hugs fav*