Dude, y the hate? and WTF? she is totally not fat you tard. Gwad, i couldn't understand a lot of what you said because it looks like a four year old tried to type it. Like i said, she is totally NOT FAT. it's beautiful in so many ways i can't describe it. if all your going to do is flame people on this site, then i think you should leave theo and go to some other site so we don't have to see your sorry butt here.
hey big ass! u need to die...cause ur huge and eat too much! go sniff some paint thinner! then eat it cause ur a pig! lol the toothpick is in the refrigerator...just think about that one! ut uuuuuuuutttt u know jazz is a lot like jello. its big and so are you, and jello is like you cause if you shake it it jiggles and so does your fat!!!!!! when you die i hope pigeons eat you before they can bury ya...and go outside and get some exercise, OR go to the bookstore and get you some hoes (by the way get big hoes cause theyre fat like you)
ur huge, ur a whale for gods sake!
if you lost 600 lbs then you would still be over the weight limit for the earth. you need two universes just to breathe
GOD DAMN YOU PISSY! youz a big ass! go to hell mother fucker...go cut yourself....you fuckin goth
Dovahkiin (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/11 | Reply
@prophet mohammed:
Dude, y the hate? and WTF? she is totally not fat you tard. Gwad, i couldn't understand a lot of what you said because it looks like a four year old tried to type it. Like i said, she is totally NOT FAT. it's beautiful in so many ways i can't describe it. if all your going to do is flame people on this site, then i think you should leave theo and go to some other site so we don't have to see your sorry butt here.
The Hero of Time (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/08 | Reply
I love this a lot! so prettyful!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/14/08 | Reply
Awesome job on this!!
I love the colors and the background, everything looks really nice.
Procrastination lives on!!!
Excellent job!
Queen of Termina (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
Huh? Whats with the comment two below me? This is amazing! I love it! The colors especially...
prophet mohammed
Otakuite | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
hey big ass! u need to die...cause ur huge and eat too much! go sniff some paint thinner! then eat it cause ur a pig! lol the toothpick is in the refrigerator...just think about that one! ut uuuuuuuutttt u know jazz is a lot like jello. its big and so are you, and jello is like you cause if you shake it it jiggles and so does your fat!!!!!! when you die i hope pigeons eat you before they can bury ya...and go outside and get some exercise, OR go to the bookstore and get you some hoes (by the way get big hoes cause theyre fat like you)
ur huge, ur a whale for gods sake!
if you lost 600 lbs then you would still be over the weight limit for the earth. you need two universes just to breathe

GOD DAMN YOU PISSY! youz a big ass! go to hell mother fucker...go cut yourself....you fuckin goth
Oni Chu
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
This is very cute!! I love how you cg your hair :D
Do you have a deviantart?
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
Sooo cutie!Hugs and faves!
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
This is so kawaii! Luv her expression and her eyes! really kawaii!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
It's amazing, very nice.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/12/08 | Reply
this is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i lov the expression!! awesome!
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/12/08 | Reply
jeez kathy ur on a roll with submission lol :3 but thats all good amazing work as always!