Awesome job! No seriously, this is really good, it must be one of my favorite by you (although they're all great). The eyes, the color...all of it. Keep up the great work!!!
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/17/08 | Reply
awww....that was so kind of you putting me on the dedication list! X3 *hugs* UR AN AWESOME FRIEND 2!!! :D
(four dayz late but me still comment :3)
Wow! this is absolutly amazing! your getting better every time you submit a drawing!! X3 So awesome! There are some mistakes like you said but I still think it's awesome, Keep it up! it looks cute too! ^^ byez~ *hugs*
Kawaii des!!
Great work on everything kasa-chan ^_^
I see a few parts that aren't perfect, but they don't hafta be lol cause I think it looks great!
The color looks alright too so don't worry too much =D
Maybe next time you color press a little harder on the pencil...that really helped me =D
Cute title; I think it fits well! And O_o I am so jealous of those hands!!!! *glomps*
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
OMG! Kasa this is REALLY good! I'm soooooooo proud of you and how much you have improved!!!! *hugs* *give hug and faves*
Keep up the GREAT work!
I think you did this very, very well! You did a great job with the eyes (who said you wouldn't draw Ikumi's eye style?), the hair looks very nice and flowy, and she just looks flat out cute.
*waves fist at scanner* Yah evil scanner, you! D:<
You've really been improving recently! Kudos to you, Kasa-chan! *giant bear hug* :D
NYA! It's so cute! I could never draw like Ikumi-sensei....TT_TT But you did a great job here! I give props to you. (What does that line mean, anyway?) Whatever. Hugs are better, right?
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/25/08 | Reply
Awesome job! No seriously, this is really good, it must be one of my favorite by you (although they're all great). The eyes, the color...all of it. Keep up the great work!!!
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/17/08 | Reply
(four dayz late but me still comment :3)
Wow! this is absolutly amazing! your getting better every time you submit a drawing!! X3 So awesome! There are some mistakes like you said but I still think it's awesome, Keep it up! it looks cute too! ^^ byez~ *hugs*
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
awww I think the background is sooo cute! and the picture too lol. GOOD JOB!!! * thumbs up*
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
Great work on everything kasa-chan ^_^
I see a few parts that aren't perfect, but they don't hafta be lol cause I think it looks great!
The color looks alright too so don't worry too much =D
Maybe next time you color press a little harder on the pencil...that really helped me =D
Cute title; I think it fits well! And O_o I am so jealous of those hands!!!! *glomps*
Keep up the supah amazing work!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
ish so cute!! i barely see any errors X3 ish awesome! keep it up!!!! I haven't drawn TMM characters in such a long time XD
*hugs X3*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
aw so adorable! *hugs&faves** the skin coloring looks fine! anyway great job!
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
OMG! Kasa this is REALLY good! I'm soooooooo proud of you and how much you have improved!!!! *hugs* *give hug and faves*
Keep up the GREAT work!
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
nice mew mew i love her hair ^^^ so long and pritty
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
I think you did this very, very well! You did a great job with the eyes (who said you wouldn't draw Ikumi's eye style?), the hair looks very nice and flowy, and she just looks flat out cute.
*waves fist at scanner* Yah evil scanner, you! D:<
You've really been improving recently! Kudos to you, Kasa-chan! *giant bear hug* :D
KoInu kyan
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
NYA! It's so cute! I could never draw like Ikumi-sensei....TT_TT But you did a great job here! I give props to you. (What does that line mean, anyway?) Whatever. Hugs are better, right?