YAY!!!!! Vancha!!!! ^_^ and xUber i fell for him the first time I read the series <3 -sigh- but also Steve as well, him and a few
others ._.'
and twiliwolf, Vancha's descrition:
"green-haired, red-skinned (because of his battle with the Sun), shurikens wrapped around his torso, and crudley stiched purple animal skins for clothes"
Last edited by ShizukoxIchimaru at 11:07:08 AM EDT on September 13, 2008.
damit! its not good enough! hes WAY hotter than that!yesh. i know. im crazy to be falling for him.:! names rebecca by tha way. oh yeah... if u now a girl name cathy frm abbeydale tell her STOP calling me Bec damit!
Otakuite | Posted 07/13/10 | Reply
Vancha!!! He is epic...I always pictured him fatter, I dont know why...but yeah, you read the discription right ^^ and he IS insanely awsome <:3
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/13/08 | Reply
YAY!!!!! Vancha!!!! ^_^ and xUber i fell for him the first time I read the series <3 -sigh- but also Steve as well, him and a few
others ._.'
and twiliwolf, Vancha's descrition:
"green-haired, red-skinned (because of his battle with the Sun), shurikens wrapped around his torso, and crudley stiched purple animal skins for clothes"
Last edited by ShizukoxIchimaru at 11:07:08 AM EDT on September 13, 2008.
Otakuite | Posted 07/29/08 | Reply
Woot! yay for Vancha! Yes, I do enjoy looking at your stuff, and NO I AM NOT A STALKER I SWEAR!!!
Otakuite | Posted 06/29/08 | Reply
damit! its not good enough! hes WAY hotter than that!yesh. i know. im crazy to be falling for him.:! names rebecca by tha way. oh yeah... if u now a girl name cathy frm abbeydale tell her STOP calling me Bec damit!