Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/27/08 | Reply
LOL OMG I love this hehehe the expression on Pooh's face is priceless and the funny thing is I could picture L doing that to poor old pooh. :) Oh bother!!!
XD Isn't it crazy how ideas like that spring from nowhere? Especially if you were watching Judge Judy.
That's a great idea. XD I can just see Pooh mourning over his lost honey and trying to figure out who L even is. (Which he would not be able to even begin to do until Rabbit or someone suggested he might be friends with Christopher Robin. Who I just realized looks like a passable kid!Light. Curse you, crazy plot bunnies!!)
Yeah. Even though I'm 16, I still remember Pooh Bear (probably because I tend to watch that movie when I'm sick -- STFU, it doesn't make my brain hurt like the other movies tend to. XDDD).
Art wise this is awesome too. I love how detailed you made L's hair.
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/27/08 | Reply
LOL OMG I love this hehehe the expression on Pooh's face is priceless and the funny thing is I could picture L doing that to poor old pooh. :) Oh bother!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/26/08 | Reply
awwwwwwwwwwwww OMG!!!!!!!! this is sooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L looks so nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome pic!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/22/08 | Reply
did pooh tug on the honey and fought with L to get it back, watching pooh bear and L fight for honey would be so entertaining
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/22/08 | Reply
LOL, funny!
I wonder what would happen if Pooh tried to take away the honey...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/22/08 | Reply
XD Isn't it crazy how ideas like that spring from nowhere? Especially if you were watching Judge Judy.
That's a great idea. XD I can just see Pooh mourning over his lost honey and trying to figure out who L even is. (Which he would not be able to even begin to do until Rabbit or someone suggested he might be friends with Christopher Robin. Who I just realized looks like a passable kid!Light. Curse you, crazy plot bunnies!!)
Yeah. Even though I'm 16, I still remember Pooh Bear (probably because I tend to watch that movie when I'm sick -- STFU, it doesn't make my brain hurt like the other movies tend to. XDDD).
Art wise this is awesome too. I love how detailed you made L's hair.
Miz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/22/08 | Reply
OMFG!! XDDDDD Thats kind of amazing...
So kawaii toooo! Lolz...I could totally see L doing that X3
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/08 | Reply
Lol,that's great!Genius!I think that if Pooh and L ever met,they'd be great friends:3Good job,it's really cute.