~ Cracks up ~ Yea it must have been the candles, the things by the hats on the cake! I assumed they were beer bottles as a homage to yourself to Cross-sama or something lol! I'm guessing as candles though they were put there as Road instead ~ Dances ~ Still awesome ^_^
Beer bottles? Where do you see those at? XD You probably mistook the candles for bottles. Hahaha. No worries though! Yes...I'd thought you'd like Ki-Ki-Tama! ;)
Uhh wow that's one heck of a cake ~ Whispers ~ Are those hats and beer bottles real or edible? ~ Cracks up ~ Amazing work though especially on the detailing of the thorns and the spiders, it's like one of those pictures where each time you look at it you notice something new! Totally awesome though how come they call me Lehnsherr and not Dranzer? ~ Raises eyebrow ~ I think of the Noah Road looks amazing as does Jasdero, Devit's hidden though ~ Cracks up ~ And Tyki's facing the wrong way ~ Curses ~ Nice arse though ~ Looks around and coughs ~ Awesome work ~ Huge giant monster hugs ~ Domo arigato Weird-chan ^_^
Bizengasht? I've flipped through it, but never found any appeal. Thank you for the compliment, thought!! :D I sketch because it's easier to erase if you mess up and the fact that I'm just plain lazy! XD Hahaha. Thanks!
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
~ Cracks up ~ Yea it must have been the candles, the things by the hats on the cake! I assumed they were beer bottles as a homage to yourself to Cross-sama or something lol! I'm guessing as candles though they were put there as Road instead ~ Dances ~ Still awesome ^_^
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
@Magnus Lensherr:
Beer bottles? Where do you see those at? XD You probably mistook the candles for bottles. Hahaha. No worries though! Yes...I'd thought you'd like Ki-Ki-Tama! ;)
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
Uhh wow that's one heck of a cake ~ Whispers ~ Are those hats and beer bottles real or edible? ~ Cracks up ~ Amazing work though especially on the detailing of the thorns and the spiders, it's like one of those pictures where each time you look at it you notice something new! Totally awesome though how come they call me Lehnsherr and not Dranzer? ~ Raises eyebrow ~ I think of the Noah Road looks amazing as does Jasdero, Devit's hidden though ~ Cracks up ~ And Tyki's facing the wrong way ~ Curses ~ Nice arse though ~ Looks around and coughs ~ Awesome work ~ Huge giant monster hugs ~ Domo arigato Weird-chan ^_^
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
Hahaha! Arigato! I really did enjoy making the cake stand out! =^_^= I love detailing.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
Cool cake
The shading is really good.
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
Bizengasht? I've flipped through it, but never found any appeal. Thank you for the compliment, thought!! :D I sketch because it's easier to erase if you mess up and the fact that I'm just plain lazy! XD Hahaha. Thanks!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
cool. i like pictures better when they're sketched, not colored =^-^=
hmmm...your picture looks like Bizengasht (not meaning to be rude)