this picture is brilliant!
it maybe abstract and not a whole lot of people like that but to me this is awesome because it shows something you don't normally get to see.
You let your feelings guide your drawing not your eyes and that is what makes a real artist.
The general public sees drawings as pictures but a real artist will see it's feelings.
Wonderful job,
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
This is really cool. It's awesome that you can do abstract art. *thumbs up* Awesome work.
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/15/08 | Reply
this picture is brilliant!
it maybe abstract and not a whole lot of people like that but to me this is awesome because it shows something you don't normally get to see.
You let your feelings guide your drawing not your eyes and that is what makes a real artist.
The general public sees drawings as pictures but a real artist will see it's feelings.
Wonderful job,