this is a scary yet pretty drawing. art thieves huh.........such low lives only take other's hardwork. you deserve all the credit for all of your drawings. stay strong and u will prevail
*shrugs* I just had an urge to make another comment since there were so many. :) and about you.
*looks at thegreatest*
You have no right to say things like that you little troll.
it could be flattering in a way because ur art is taken by others.. but frustrating at some point because they took it for their own pleasure...
there are just some who took it to hear praises for themselves.. but there are also some who took it and will fight for it.. lol.......... i know 2 people who'll fight for what they stole til they get banned.. XD
well.. it's not like we can stop those kind of people... i just wont tolerate it when it comes to my art being stolen.. they can fight for it whatever.. the original artist will always prevail... lol...
Twas no problem! Your art is simply gorgeous! I can't help but comment on it! ^^ Lolz, really? Well, If I was ever in your situation, I couldn't help but be a bit flattered. Or maybe I just have a strange thought process. XD
You have every right to be PO'd at that person. Stealing art is wrong. But you can't help but feel a teensy bit flattered, can't you? Your artwork is amazing! You shouldn't cut yourself short. As far as I'm concerned, your art is up there with all the greats! ^^ Keep up the stunning work! ^^
Last edited by PoisonOnigiri at 1:03:28 AM EDT on August 23, 2008.
there's actually no need for comparisons coz we have our own style of drawing.. and who cares if one is better than us.. lol... we are drawing for fun.. at least i am drawing for fun and to make myself better for my future profession..
even though the right clicking is disabled, there's so many sites these art thieves can get other drawings from... i think the only way to prevent this is to make them think that your drawings are everywhere and they cant take it away because other people know that you did it and that u have complete ownership of that piece..
uhh.. yeh.. my drawings are everywhere that is why i get reports from people about these art thieves..
if they think i'll stop posting drawings because of these art thieves, think again.. if i stop, they'll just claim something again and there's no other way to prove myself or there'll be no one to bash the truth to their faces.. lol....
that is why "think before they act"... good thing i didnt draw something that can be stuck under their noses.. lol..
thank you.. lol.. i am kinda aware that some of my artworks may be saved for their personal use.. i even saw my drawings made as an avatar in some other sites.. that kind of thing is fine.. as long as they dont say that they drew it..
*nods head* Yeah totally, I agree with everything you just said. You like, took the words out of my mouth. I know people who are better than me, but that doesn't make me a bad artist. I just have to accept that I have my own style. I don't understand it either why art thieves get pleasure in hearing praise that doesn't even belong to them. It's pretty funny and stupid once you think about it. But hey, the internet is a cruel place. I think the otaku should disable right clicking or something to prevent it.
Nice job on the pic and true so veary true art thieves need to think before they steal someones art I hate em even though I dont have any fanart I might and I dont want someone to claim it as there own that would make me so angry antways nice drawing ~Pucca-Chan
Fortunately, I don't think they knew my PIN. However, I thought I had locked my car door. Apparently not since I received a call the next day about some suspicious acitivity. Some people, I swear. I have no clue who the thief (or thieves) is, but if I ever found out... Look out!
hmm.. it's good that i've hunted them down... 2/3 got banned.. the other one locked herself in her private world so the mods couldnt do anything about it til the creator of that site take action.. but yeah.. i wont rest til those art thieves get what they deserve.... *banned*
i so agree that we have our own style.. that is why we need to work more and practice.. there's always someone above us.. i know a lot of artist waaaaaayyy better than me.. and i am trying to reach their level someday.. although it will take time but with hard work and practice, nothing's impossible.. we all just need to stick to our own style and believe in our capabilities.. we can do it.. yeh.. all our efforts will be realized anyway.. and thats the real pleasure in all of your hardwork..
art thieves should really think.. the words like "wow ur so good", etc are not meant for them anyway.. how can they be satisfied in those words not for them... ignorance.. they really need to think their brains off..
omg........ did u ever caught the thief..? i've never lost my cards or wallet coz i always keep my purse tight under my armpit.. lol......... $300... holy..... thats like a week of full time job.. gaaah... if that ever happened to me... (which i dont wish to happen) i swear... but wait, how can the thief use ur card.. he/she knows ur pin..? *fishy*
yeh.. keep them coming.. it's gonna be tough but we need to clean up the art world.. lol... not only my artworks are in trouble of getting stolen.. somebody else's hardwork might be claimed by someone else who doesnt deserve it.. so yeh.. we need to take action if one comes around.. and surely bring them down..
Man, your work is beautiful. ( I simply enjoy the save to the computer option so that I can have beautiful artwork saved on my computer to look at when I wish and sometimes format it for a wallpaper for myself, but not to post and claim as my own.) Stupid art theives
Wow you are an amazing artist. I am jealous of your shading, but I guess we all have our own styles, so maybe I am wrong in being envious. Anyways, luckily I have never gotten my art stolen, but I feel bad for you. Too bad you can't hunt them down and kick their ass. Wouldn't that be too good to be true?
Not only is this a great drawing... But it has a great message too! Thanks for it! *two thumbs up!*
It if makes you feel any better... Just a couple days ago, I had someone steal my bank card! The lame-brains spent $300 of my hard work! So, yeah, thieves are thieves. It's a crying shame that you seem to be a victim so often. Hang in there!! *hugs*
i dont know too if there's a way to prevent this art stealing but one thing's for sure.. crediting properly is the right way to thank ur sources for sharing.. if u took something thats not urs, u must credit the owner..
"Let them rot to death with their own ignorance" good way of putting it! and you gave credit say you got it some where, thats an example of how to do it and not steal!! I don't know if there is a way to prevent it yet...
anyway, i completely understand ur point.. they really have to think before they act something as stupid as stealing... lol...
that girl in gaia... i dont know what happened to her.. she's been hiding in her private profile.. i guess she's too ashamed to face the public coz her name has been tainted.. her fault anyway.... lol...
just let them try to start with stealing.. they'll surely be in prison someday... that's why we have to make them think............. lol...
i dont think there's a point in understanding why they steal drawings.. thats just immature.. if they want the pic, they could've just grabbed it and post it in their page but editing out the original artist's name and saying u did it is just an act of ignorance and lack of attention...
i've heard this from other site.. just gonna quote.. "Let them rot to death with their own ignorance" yeh i guess thats right... they're not the one being praised anyway..
Many of these thieves may have futures in many technology fields, but stealing is no way to start. I guess we don't understand because we don't steal ourselves(great logic huh?)
they just want attention blaaaaaa !! attention which they dont deserve like that girl in gaia.
btw, is ur description cut off ? i saw in DA it was longer than this lolx.
whatever anyway, art stealers gotta get a life of their own. they want to be famous using ur drawings and/or other people's drawings, they are as good as dead people who cant use their own life to make a name for themselves.
That seems like a lot of work. To much to do on a picture. I guess we will never understand srt thieves... If only we could disconnect the copy/save options on our pictures.
i have to agree !! i think they're not using their brains. what is their brain for ? if they have the time to steal and edit other people's works, maybe they have time to make something for their own as well !!!
I don't know why you are more of a target than others, but maybe a water mark, or even your name added in the picture would help...*stares off into space thinking*
eeeeh.. how come i dont see seifer-sama's works being stolen or edit like one thief did to mine just yesterday.. gaah.. (read deviant journal for more details)
and no pro artists got impersonated.. pro artists are waaaaaay better and they have good drawings too.. why me..?? am i posting my art too much? should i stop posting...? i have a lot of thinking going on.. but... if i stop, art thieves will just keep popping and this thing will never be proven..
i seriously wanna cry when i saw that girl said she drew it and accused me of stealing it... gaaah.. *shoots her* she's banned now anyways.. bleh..!! XD
i know hey.. *shoots them too..* BANG!!! lol.. thank u.. i was putting all my energy into the shading.. it's really hard pressed lol.. i almost ruined the paper.. XD
YES!! So true, so true. So very very true.
It's nice see fanart like. Art stealers are dumb and can't think before they act is why they steal. *shoots random art stealer*
FWAHAHAHA! Nice job on the piccy! Love the shading as well! You did a fabulous job on the pic!
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
this is a scary yet pretty drawing. art thieves huh.........such low lives only take other's hardwork. you deserve all the credit for all of your drawings. stay strong and u will prevail
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/31/08 | Reply
Comment party in da house! rofl
*shrugs* I just had an urge to make another comment since there were so many. :) and about you.
*looks at thegreatest*
You have no right to say things like that you little troll.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/25/08 | Reply
@reirei18 :
Lolz yesh! Justice will prevail! X3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
it could be flattering in a way because ur art is taken by others.. but frustrating at some point because they took it for their own pleasure...
there are just some who took it to hear praises for themselves.. but there are also some who took it and will fight for it.. lol.......... i know 2 people who'll fight for what they stole til they get banned.. XD
well.. it's not like we can stop those kind of people... i just wont tolerate it when it comes to my art being stolen.. they can fight for it whatever.. the original artist will always prevail... lol...
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
@reirei18 :
Twas no problem! Your art is simply gorgeous! I can't help but comment on it! ^^ Lolz, really? Well, If I was ever in your situation, I couldn't help but be a bit flattered. Or maybe I just have a strange thought process. XD
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
thank you.. i appreciate the comment... kinda made me feel better and not mad at art thieves.. lol... XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
You have every right to be PO'd at that person. Stealing art is wrong. But you can't help but feel a teensy bit flattered, can't you? Your artwork is amazing! You shouldn't cut yourself short. As far as I'm concerned, your art is up there with all the greats! ^^ Keep up the stunning work! ^^
Last edited by PoisonOnigiri at 1:03:28 AM EDT on August 23, 2008.
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/08/08 | Reply
@Teapot Domescam:
there's actually no need for comparisons coz we have our own style of drawing.. and who cares if one is better than us.. lol... we are drawing for fun.. at least i am drawing for fun and to make myself better for my future profession..
even though the right clicking is disabled, there's so many sites these art thieves can get other drawings from... i think the only way to prevent this is to make them think that your drawings are everywhere and they cant take it away because other people know that you did it and that u have complete ownership of that piece..
uhh.. yeh.. my drawings are everywhere that is why i get reports from people about these art thieves..
if they think i'll stop posting drawings because of these art thieves, think again.. if i stop, they'll just claim something again and there's no other way to prove myself or there'll be no one to bash the truth to their faces.. lol....
that is why "think before they act"... good thing i didnt draw something that can be stuck under their noses.. lol..
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/08/08 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
ooh.. i thought u said u lost $300..? XD *confused* how can they use ur card if they dont know the pin.. thats what i was thinking.. XD
anyway, i hope u solve this mystery soon.. $300 is a big money.. x.x u should report it to the police if u found the culprit/s.. lol..
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/08/08 | Reply
thank you.. lol.. i am kinda aware that some of my artworks may be saved for their personal use.. i even saw my drawings made as an avatar in some other sites.. that kind of thing is fine.. as long as they dont say that they drew it..
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/08/08 | Reply
@reirei18 :
*nods head* Yeah totally, I agree with everything you just said. You like, took the words out of my mouth. I know people who are better than me, but that doesn't make me a bad artist. I just have to accept that I have my own style. I don't understand it either why art thieves get pleasure in hearing praise that doesn't even belong to them. It's pretty funny and stupid once you think about it. But hey, the internet is a cruel place. I think the otaku should disable right clicking or something to prevent it.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
Good for you! You are taking a stand against art thieves!
By the way, love the pic; the shading and everything are just amazing!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
omg she is soooo pretty!! srry about those art thieves!
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
Nice job on the pic and true so veary true art thieves need to think before they steal someones art I hate em even though I dont have any fanart I might and I dont want someone to claim it as there own that would make me so angry
antways nice drawing
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
@reirei18 :
Fortunately, I don't think they knew my PIN. However, I thought I had locked my car door. Apparently not since I received a call the next day about some suspicious acitivity. Some people, I swear. I have no clue who the thief (or thieves) is, but if I ever found out... Look out!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
It must be frustrating for people to steal your work. I hope that you get those art thieves!
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
@Teapot Domescam:
hmm.. it's good that i've hunted them down... 2/3 got banned.. the other one locked herself in her private world so the mods couldnt do anything about it til the creator of that site take action.. but yeah.. i wont rest til those art thieves get what they deserve.... *banned*
i so agree that we have our own style.. that is why we need to work more and practice.. there's always someone above us.. i know a lot of artist waaaaaayyy better than me.. and i am trying to reach their level someday.. although it will take time but with hard work and practice, nothing's impossible.. we all just need to stick to our own style and believe in our capabilities.. we can do it.. yeh.. all our efforts will be realized anyway.. and thats the real pleasure in all of your hardwork..
art thieves should really think.. the words like "wow ur so good", etc are not meant for them anyway.. how can they be satisfied in those words not for them... ignorance.. they really need to think their brains off..
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
omg........ did u ever caught the thief..? i've never lost my cards or wallet coz i always keep my purse tight under my armpit.. lol......... $300... holy..... thats like a week of full time job.. gaaah... if that ever happened to me... (which i dont wish to happen) i swear... but wait, how can the thief use ur card.. he/she knows ur pin..? *fishy*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
yeh.. keep them coming.. it's gonna be tough but we need to clean up the art world.. lol... not only my artworks are in trouble of getting stolen.. somebody else's hardwork might be claimed by someone else who doesnt deserve it.. so yeh.. we need to take action if one comes around.. and surely bring them down..
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
Man, your work is beautiful. ( I simply enjoy the save to the computer option so that I can have beautiful artwork saved on my computer to look at when I wish and sometimes format it for a wallpaper for myself, but not to post and claim as my own.) Stupid art theives
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
Wow you are an amazing artist. I am jealous of your shading, but I guess we all have our own styles, so maybe I am wrong in being envious. Anyways, luckily I have never gotten my art stolen, but I feel bad for you. Too bad you can't hunt them down and kick their ass. Wouldn't that be too good to be true?
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
Not only is this a great drawing... But it has a great message too! Thanks for it! *two thumbs up!*
It if makes you feel any better... Just a couple days ago, I had someone steal my bank card! The lame-brains spent $300 of my hard work! So, yeah, thieves are thieves. It's a crying shame that you seem to be a victim so often. Hang in there!! *hugs*
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
@reirei18 :
But until we find away around it we will continue to frown upon those who do. Maybe the bad reactions will bring some of the around...
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
the description is not cut off now.. ehehe.. lol....
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
i dont know too if there's a way to prevent this art stealing but one thing's for sure.. crediting properly is the right way to thank ur sources for sharing.. if u took something thats not urs, u must credit the owner..
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
lol.. i have to agree on that one too.. work off their brains even for once... XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
@reirei18 :
"Let them rot to death with their own ignorance" good way of putting it! and you gave credit say you got it some where, thats an example of how to do it and not steal!! I don't know if there is a way to prevent it yet...
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
oh yeah.. it was cut off... o.O!
anyway, i completely understand ur point.. they really have to think before they act something as stupid as stealing... lol...
that girl in gaia... i dont know what happened to her.. she's been hiding in her private profile.. i guess she's too ashamed to face the public coz her name has been tainted.. her fault anyway.... lol...
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
just let them try to start with stealing.. they'll surely be in prison someday... that's why we have to make them think............. lol...
i dont think there's a point in understanding why they steal drawings.. thats just immature.. if they want the pic, they could've just grabbed it and post it in their page but editing out the original artist's name and saying u did it is just an act of ignorance and lack of attention...
i've heard this from other site.. just gonna quote.. "Let them rot to death with their own ignorance" yeh i guess thats right... they're not the one being praised anyway..
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
Many of these thieves may have futures in many technology fields, but stealing is no way to start. I guess we don't understand because we don't steal ourselves(great logic huh?)
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
@reirei18 :
they just want attention blaaaaaa !! attention which they dont deserve like that girl in gaia.
btw, is ur description cut off ? i saw in DA it was longer than this lolx.
whatever anyway, art stealers gotta get a life of their own. they want to be famous using ur drawings and/or other people's drawings, they are as good as dead people who cant use their own life to make a name for themselves.
i hope i made my point clear !
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
yea !! they ought to find their own talent and get praises which they deserve not hurtful phrases they get as thieves.
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
yeh.. without that save/copy option.. nothing can be stolen anymore..... but eek.. thats there for some reason.. XD
these thieves just gotta learn how to think properly and not to steal and claim the credits they dont deserve...
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
My thoughts exactly. If they can figue our how to edit a picture, they should be able to use a mouse/pencil and make their own picture
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
so true. they gotta think..!! why are they stealing when they know the credits and praises dont belong to them..?!
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
That seems like a lot of work. To much to do on a picture. I guess we will never understand srt thieves... If only we could disconnect the copy/save options on our pictures.
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
i have to agree !! i think they're not using their brains. what is their brain for ? if they have the time to steal and edit other people's works, maybe they have time to make something for their own as well !!!
btw, love the shading and details as always
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
i've had my watermarkS in every drawing i upload.. some thieves just got the gots to cover it up and cut it out...
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
I don't know why you are more of a target than others, but maybe a water mark, or even your name added in the picture would help...*stares off into space thinking*
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
eeeeh.. how come i dont see seifer-sama's works being stolen or edit like one thief did to mine just yesterday.. gaah.. (read deviant journal for more details)
and no pro artists got impersonated.. pro artists are waaaaaay better and they have good drawings too.. why me..?? am i posting my art too much? should i stop posting...? i have a lot of thinking going on.. but... if i stop, art thieves will just keep popping and this thing will never be proven..
i seriously wanna cry when i saw that girl said she drew it and accused me of stealing it... gaaah.. *shoots her* she's banned now anyways.. bleh..!! XD
sorry for my crazy reply.. XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
i know hey.. *shoots them too..* BANG!!! lol.. thank u.. i was putting all my energy into the shading.. it's really hard pressed lol.. i almost ruined the paper.. XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
The only reason i can think of that they would steal from you is: Your work is so good!
Nice picture!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/06/08 | Reply
YES!! So true, so true. So very very true.
It's nice see fanart like. Art stealers are dumb and can't think before they act is why they steal. *shoots random art stealer*
FWAHAHAHA! Nice job on the piccy! Love the shading as well! You did a fabulous job on the pic!