the 1 wit hiz eyes closed reminds meh of sai....u know, bcuz of hiz eyes and hiz smile. :D and the 1 next 2 him kinda looks lyke he has sasgays hairdo. a tiny bit though. i lyke ur character! :D lol yayz! :D XD as always, GUD JOB!!!!! lol XD luv ur work!
Wow! They all look awesome! Very professionally done as well :] Like xaos said, it really does look like it's from a manga because of how professional it looks. And your character is the most creative of them all. Your char has the most creative clothing. Well done~!♥
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/20/08 | Reply
the 1 wit hiz eyes closed reminds meh of sai....u know, bcuz of hiz eyes and hiz smile. :D and the 1 next 2 him kinda looks lyke he has sasgays hairdo. a tiny bit though. i lyke ur character! :D lol yayz! :D XD as always, GUD JOB!!!!! lol XD luv ur work!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/17/08 | Reply
Wow! They all look awesome! Very professionally done as well :] Like xaos said, it really does look like it's from a manga because of how professional it looks. And your character is the most creative of them all. Your char has the most creative clothing. Well done~!♥
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/17/08 | Reply
Wow this one is great. All the characters look like they're straight from a manga (meaning it looks professional)
They're all really well done, I tell you you're friend must really like this pic of his characters (and the one that's yours) I know I would.