Plz keep commenting! I need the boost as i start my next one! Thank u sooooo much 4 your support and with out u guyz, id probly b stuck drawing Myon pictures for the rest of my days!!!!!
Thnx. It took me 4ever 2 get it right, and then my stupid scanner didn't work and my little sister messed it up... and my big sister kept getting pushy but i finally got it on. i might color it, and thanx 4 the comment, it really gave me a boost...
lucky star77
Otakuite | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
Plz keep commenting! I need the boost as i start my next one! Thank u sooooo much 4 your support and with out u guyz, id probly b stuck drawing Myon pictures for the rest of my days!!!!!
lucky star77
Otakuite | Posted 10/15/08 | Reply
Thnx. It took me 4ever 2 get it right, and then my stupid scanner didn't work and my little sister messed it up... and my big sister kept getting pushy but i finally got it on. i might color it, and thanx 4 the comment, it really gave me a boost...
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/07/08 | Reply
Oh wow! This is kewl ^_^ G'job, I love the series.