Princess Peach is so pretty. I am writing a fanfiction about her from her videogame Super Princess Peach. Perry is so cute. I'm having trouble with the last stage:
"Oh my goodness! I can feel a powerful energy from within! You need to collect the Toads from past stages to proceed!" Could you help me with the game?
The Poison Of God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/28/09 | Reply
@sakura dancer:
the thing is,I didn't complete the game myself lol(sorry for the late reply by the way)
sakura dancer
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/24/09 | Reply
Princess Peach is so pretty. I am writing a fanfiction about her from her videogame Super Princess Peach. Perry is so cute. I'm having trouble with the last stage:
"Oh my goodness! I can feel a powerful energy from within! You need to collect the Toads from past stages to proceed!" Could you help me with the game?
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/12/08 | Reply
I love this! I am a huge Peach fan as well,lol.