Yeah, as in Fenway Park...we are a serious Sox household! Yah, we got two more to go. Thanks for the good wishes...and I'm glad the Phillies are going to the WS!
Cute!! Awwwww, his name is Fenway? just like Fenway park?? That's awesome~~ And wow, your Red Sox really came through! XD I was thinking, "Well, looks like the Rays will get an easy win..." but then I saw in the 7th or 8th inning, that you were catching up, 7-4...and, wow, they won! :3 Making a comeback~ But remember, you guys still have to win two more games, while the Rays only have one. Good luck.
Hatake Yoshimi
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/17/08 | Reply
Yeah, as in Fenway Park...we are a serious Sox household!
Yah, we got two more to go. Thanks for the good wishes...and I'm glad the Phillies are going to the WS!
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 10/17/08 | Reply
Cute!! Awwwww, his name is Fenway? just like Fenway park?? That's awesome~~ And wow, your Red Sox really came through! XD I was thinking, "Well, looks like the Rays will get an easy win..." but then I saw in the 7th or 8th inning, that you were catching up, 7-4...and, wow, they won! :3 Making a comeback~ But remember, you guys still have to win two more games, while the Rays only have one. Good luck.
And very cute kitty drawing. I love it! ^__^