Thanks for the comment! I guess I should mention though that these particular second graders can probably already be called otaku, or never be called otaku, depending on how you look at things since they're Japanese. They like anime like American kids like Spongebob. Their teacher on the other hand is crazy otaku, like to the point that other Japanese people think he's weird, but I don't care b/c he gives me cool stuff!
phone shot doesnt matter...what matter most
is what you've draWn..
you did well on Naruto!!!
and give it up to someOne---Nice!...^^
sometimes it takes a lot of pride to give your works to others...T_T
but i've learn my lesson..
what you did is just RIGHT!!
YOur wOrk is aweeeSoooOOOMEE!!!
Aw, you did such an amazing job, the camera phone never does justice to art -_-. But, very nice! I can see the inking you did and that must've taken a long time to finish!
It was so nice and mature of you to give it up to some second graders! Very good, you're making them all Otaku at young ages, mwee hee hee... get 'em when they're young, right? XD
I know it's hard to part with my own art @_@ I'm psycho about it, XD
Sailor Nevar
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/30/08 | Reply
Thanks for the comment! I guess I should mention though that these particular second graders can probably already be called otaku, or never be called otaku, depending on how you look at things since they're Japanese. They like anime like American kids like Spongebob. Their teacher on the other hand is crazy otaku, like to the point that other Japanese people think he's weird, but I don't care b/c he gives me cool stuff!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/28/08 | Reply
phone shot doesnt matter...what matter most
is what you've draWn..
you did well on Naruto!!!
and give it up to someOne---Nice!...^^
sometimes it takes a lot of pride to give your works to others...T_T
but i've learn my lesson..
what you did is just RIGHT!!
YOur wOrk is aweeeSoooOOOMEE!!!
Pathetic Diabetic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/28/08 | Reply
Aw, you did such an amazing job, the camera phone never does justice to art -_-. But, very nice! I can see the inking you did and that must've taken a long time to finish!
It was so nice and mature of you to give it up to some second graders! Very good, you're making them all Otaku at young ages, mwee hee hee... get 'em when they're young, right? XD
I know it's hard to part with my own art @_@ I'm psycho about it, XD
Well, very cool, indeed!

And, then... I met you.