How can you say Winry doesn't look good on this pic?!She's as beautiful as always and Ed's smokin' hot!!And Al as Kon... never would have guessed he'd end up being the perverted one...T_T... anyway this is really cute and I love IchixRukia too!! Hopes to sees more!!Later!!
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/08/08 | Reply
How can you say Winry doesn't look good on this pic?!She's as beautiful as always and Ed's smokin' hot!!And Al as Kon... never would have guessed he'd end up being the perverted one...T_T... anyway this is really cute and I love IchixRukia too!! Hopes to sees more!!Later!!

Otakuite | Posted 11/04/08 | Reply
, I love FMA...Awesome way to greet the season!
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/29/08 | Reply
Ah! How cool! I lve EdxWin and IchiRuki!
I was hopeing someone would do a crossover! 
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/29/08 | Reply
This is really cool, great job
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/29/08 | Reply
They look awesome!!<3
I love eds automail and the al plushie is so cute.<3
The coloring looks amazing.^^
Great Job!